Chapter 13

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[TW/CWs: brief mentions of bullying and discrimination, custody issues, brief mention of being hospitalized

It has been around 1 year since chapter 12. Tenko is 11; Hitoshi, Izuku, Katsuki, and Shouto are all 5; Touya is 14; Fuyumi is 12; Natsuo is 9; Himiko is 6]

You figured that at one point or another Inko would find out about the bullying Izuku was suffering through, but you didn't expect her reaction to be so.. un-Inko.

Izuku told you about it, how she went straight to Mitsuki and yelled and screamed at her highschool best friend. How Mitsuki had been blissfully unaware of the near-war crimes that her son committed against his old best friend.

Well, she was crying so it wasn't too out of character.

But, now Izuku is here. Inko moved closer to your area of town, but out of your school district by a smidge.

Izuku now goes to Musutafu Private Elementary school. There is a middle school by the same name just up the road from it, and that is likely where Izuku will be going.

He's been at your house every day, anxiously writing notes as he stressed about the new environment.

Hitoshi and surprisingly Shouto did a wonderful job at calming down, Shouto helping the boy focus on something other than his worries by asking questions about the new books Izuku has been reading.

Even better, Inko transferred to a hospital in your area now and is paid much higher, so she won't have to work so many hours for so little!

You remember her apartment, how most of the expensive things she owned were gifts from her wealthy friends, the Bakugous.

You remember how she would have rathered walk around in the dark, bumping into things and stubbing her toes to try and save electricity than to turn on the lights.

All of Izuku's All Might merchandise was likely the only expensive thing that Inko spent her own money on, and it really went to show that not only did Inko deserve better, but that she loved her son more than anything.

Now she has about the same apartment, since they didn't need more room or anything. But she has more things, and she seems less stressed now.

Sometimes she comes over with Izuku and stays for a little bit.

It's been nice, and something in you is itching for preparation, because usually positivity doesn't last very long in your life.

Then you realized, it's because Rei will be leaving the hospital in a few weeks and now you and her have to figure out where her kids will be staying.

The mother had been adamant for a while that her children wouldn't be safe with her, but that was simply because she was so stunted in her recovery that her self-esteem was essentially in hell.

Now that she's better, she feels more confident in her own mentality and she's likely to want her kids back.

You don't blame her, they're hers. But you and her also both know that the kids have grown very attached to you and each other.

Thus why you need to have a talk with them and Rei.

The deal was to sell the house that they all won from Enji in the case, and then use the money from that to buy a different house, just so that the kids wouldn't have to be reminded of their past.

Any possessions still in there belonging to Endeavor or that were simply not wanted anymore were also sold.

All of this money was used for things that Rei would want, as well as the kids. Now, you were at the house that you'd bought for Rei and her kids when they could be together again, all four of them behind you and Rei probably inside already.

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