Chapter 6

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TW's: being an adopted kid at school, being the "new kid," gendered school uniforms, meeting bio-family friends (as an adopted kid/adoptive parent)

Since you already took off the entire week, you took advantage of the week to prepare yourself and Tenko for school. It could've been that you were a picky kid, or maybe you're just right, but school lunch was always gross to you.

So you got Tenko a couple of bento-style lunch boxes and went to the store to get foods he'd want for lunches.

When you got a return email about Tenko's enrollment, you were informed that the school does have uniforms.

Boys wear shorts when it's warm enough, and when its colder they wear pants. Girls wear skirts and can wear tights under their skirts when it's colder.

The only exceptions are for quirk mutation-related inconsistencies, so you were stuck with it.

It kind of irritated you, knowing that Tenko would have to wear clothes that make him uncomfortable because the school says so, but you'd have to deal with it if you want him to be closer to you and your job.

You bought three uniforms, coming with the required shirt, tie thing, shorts and pants, socks, and shoes (which would only be required for outdoor activities, and each child is provided a shoe locker with a pair of indoor shoes as well), as well as a jacket that he can wear inside the school if he is too cold.

You put the other two uniforms in his closet, wanting to have them for in case of emergencies.

You told Tenko that he doesn't have to wear the pants if he doesn't want to, but he said that the uniform made him feel cute anyways, so everything seemed okay.

So, you packed a few notebooks and folders into a backpack, along with one of the box pencil cases full of pencils, a handheld sharpener, a pink eraser, gluesticks, and a pack of crayons.

Tenko grimaced at the crayons, preferring colored pencils, but the crayons are required on the list of supplies. You put the backpack on a hook around Tenko's height by the door and put his uniform shoes in your shoebox.

Yagi called you later that day, saying that Tenko's aunt agreed to meet not only him, but also you and Tenko. He'd meet her first, just to better inform her of things, and he planned to meet you as well before introducing the four of you (he told you she recently had a baby).

When you told Tenko he has a baby cousin, he was ecstatic, and telling him he'd meet Yagi in person and then get to meet his Auntie and little cousin left him squealing and jumping around the apartment.

While you and Yagi set up when he'd come over to meet you, Tenko put together his Lego Friends' set.

"Well, Yagi-san is going to come over tomorrow afternoon." You said to Tenko, who looked up from the legos and instructions to smile excitedly up at you.

The next afternoon came much quicker than you expected. Tenko woke up before you, or at least got out of bed before you, because at 6 am he ran into your room and jumped onto your bed, telling you to wake up.

You both showered, you first. Tenko showered after you, and you made breakfast while he showered. You put on a random outfit you had, then got to making oats (because they're quick and easy).

Once Tenko was done in the shower, you helped him do his hair (he wanted his hair in space buns, but it's too short, so you did a half-updo with buns), and he did his own lotion.

You both ate breakfast together, and you put together his bigger lego set with him, helping him with some of the poorly shown instructions.

You also had fun making fun of how derpy the dinosaur was.

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