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TW's in this prologue: Child abuse, child neglect, child abandonment, bullying, kidnapping, ignorance of adults, general discrimination, selective muteness, self-blame

You are y/n f/n (family name, rather than surname or last name).
You are y/a (your age, however old you wanna be as long as you are 18 bc you can't foster or adopt if you are younger than 18)
You look however you wanna look, this is an idealized version of yourself, ignoring beauty standards. In the age of quirks, beauty standards are kinda out the window :].

You're a teacher (whichever grade you want, though it's implied you work with older kids like junior high to highschoolers, but your quirk is important for your job choice), and your salary is the best you can get for your job, 8.6 million yen yearly (59k USD).

Your quirk is called invulnerability. Essentially, once a quirk is used on you once, your body regenerates and after that it will never effect you again. This is good for your job, since kids are immature and using their quirks (however illegal it may be) is unavoidable, especially the younger they are.

This does function with some mental quirks (such as brainwashing), but if your body doesn't perceive it as invasive or as a threat, it won't reject the quirk (such as Mandalay's quirk).

This also means that Aizawa's quirk would do absolutely nothing to you, and if Bakugou were to try and blow you up, it would heal up and then he'd never be able to scar you.

You've considered having kids in the past, but don't want to deal with the pain and ick that is going through labor and bla bla bla, especially when it's hard enough as it is to find a man that isn't a pos to have kids with in the first place (if you're even ATTRACTED to men). So you decided to teach instead, since it gives you a place to outlet the parental instincts.

You're one of them good teachers. Like the one thats sarcastic and funny and the conservative parents hate you, you're the safe teacher that the queer kids are never afraid to come out to.

Around the Winter holidays, you have a little gift for all of your students, one that actually fits them and would make sense with their interests. And you keep in mind their individual religious beliefs, so that you never insult anybody.

At the end of the day on the last day before winter break, you said "happy holidays," but when you give each and every gift, you say "Merry Christmas" to the Christians, "Happy Hanukkah" to your Jewish students, "Happy Yule" to your Pagans, and just whatever holiday your nonreligious students celebrate even if they don't believe in the religion.

Long story short, you are the most tolerant, respectful teacher in the school and all the teachers know that even if you don't get voted teacher of the year (bc adults have to vote for that), you're every kid's favorite teacher.

I accidentally rambled, I'm sorry-

You live in a roomy apartment, you originally bought it and shared it with your best friend, but they moved out with their now fiance and you have the money to keep it so now you have a three-bedroom apartment all to yourself, one of which has become your junk room and the other one your aesthetically pleasing guest room. You ignore most of the house mainly because it means you can't make a mess in more places than you feel like cleaning.


Also everyone will be let to wear whatever they want, encouraged to express their gender however they want, encouraged to love whoever they love. Maybe the pride flags also encourage that.

But uh yeah that's all about you or us or whatever idrk

Now, a quick reminder about the canon childhoods on the kids plus the small edits I may make in some of them (and the assumptions I will make for the kids that don't really have a full backstory).

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