Chapter 3

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POV: Percy

I dropped the dog food and I went blank, no ever came to knock on daddy's door. I went up to my room scared. My room in the dark looked completely different from what it looks in the morning. The light green room was pitch black and the walls gave me a feeling like it was about to close. But given the current situation I really didn't notice because I saw a shadow creep up on me. I ran out and went to daddy's room. I took up my emergency cell phone and called him. I was lucky and he picked up immediately.

"Percy, what is wrong?" he whispered to avoid others from hearing.

"Daddy, there is someone outside."

"WHAT? I will be there in a few minutes... Percy doesn't leave the house." That was the last thing I heard before I felt a sharp pain in my head and I passed out and the line disconnected.

I woke up groggily. I only remembered the pain in my head before I blacked out. I was in a bright yellow room, it only had a bed in the middle. I tried to get up but found I was bound to the bed by heavy chains. WHAT? I struggled but a voice called out, looked and saw someone sitting in the corner someone I failed to notice.

"Don't struggle it is a waste of time" the person said. I noticed that it was a young boy about my age maybe a little older. He had dark, black, coal eyes and short brown hair.

"Who are you?" I asked

"My name is Nico Di Angelo, and I was brought here two years ago" Nico replied.

"Do you know what happened? Can you tell me where I am?" I inquired

"No, sorry all I know is that they killed my sister Bianca." I looked down, sorry for him.

"I'm sorry" I stammered"I didn't know"

"It's okay I don't expect you to know." He replied

"Do you know how to get out of here?"

"Yes, I was planning it for a while but you showed up." He snapped

"Oh well I am sorry" I said again

"Well now we can escape together." He cheered up brightly. I smiled we escaping together was a better choice then alone.

"So, can you tell me about this place so I know a bit more?"

"Sure... the most important thing is that they only capture demigods. They think that by capturing them they can decrease the powers the gods have." He summed it up for me quickly

"So who is your godly parent then?" I whispered when I heard a set of feet coming towards us.

"Hades" he whispered I looked at him in shock but covered it as the door slammed open. The man went over and undid out chains.

"Get out!" the man screamed Geez I thought keep your pants on we're moving, I thought

"So, what do we do now?" muttered

"Wait until we get out and then we attack." I nodded to assure him I had heard. The man pushed us out roughly and directed us to outside the borders of the place that we were imprisoned in.

"I don't know why he needed to bring you here" the guard murmured before I caught Nico's eye, he nodded and I bashed the man over the head and ran for the hills. I looked at a sign to see Kansas written in black bold letters. What on earth was I doing in Kansas?

POV: Hades (Before Percy's call)

I was having a good time at the party for once. Persephone was dancing on the floor with someone. I was talking with Poseidon about Percy, when I heard my phone ring. The phone was only supposed to be for emergencies what was Percy doing calling me? At first I thought that he butt dialed me but I realised that he usually kept his phone in his room. I snapped the cover of the phone open and pressed talk.

"Percy, what is wrong?" I whispered trying to avoid Zeus' curious gaze, I guess it was because not many people call me.

"Daddy, there is someone outside" he whispered trying to keep his voice down. I tried to remember did I ask for someone to babysit him. No, that was impossible I had a few guards on the outside just in case though.

"WHAT? I will be there in a few minutes... Percy don't leave the house." I told him then his line disconnected for some reason. I shut the phone closed and excuse myself from the celebration.

"My dear brother, where are you going?" Zeus asked appearing before me "Who where you talking too?"

"Oh, I need to go to the underworld for a while, one of the judges needs help" I told him lamely and he nodded and returned to the party.

I summoned a portal and hurried as soon as I could towards my house. But I was too late. Percy was gone, I didn't know how but gone. There was no sign of a forced entry so I knew it must be one of the creatures in my realm. I stormed off to the control center in my house and I pushed the demon out of the office and checked the surveillance videos. I saw the man come and knock the door, he disappeared then reappeared with Percy in his arms. I caught the man on tape and enhanced the video to find the face of my father staring. No, that was impossible Kronos was dead and thrown in Tartarus. If he got out I should have know about this. I watched in despair as he dragged Percy's limp body out and about. A hand gripped my shoulder and I spun around to find Persephone, leaning against the wall behind me.

"There was nothing you could do." She assured me, I slumped into her arms.

POV: Percy

I didn't know how I got here but I knew how to get back I summoned a portal and skeletons greeted me.

"My prince, your father has been waiting"

"My prince, I am glad you are back."

I figured Nico could hear them because he gave a steady gasp. The skeletons turned to him and murmured out a sigh of relief.

"Young prince, it is good to see after these many years." One of them said after a long stretch of silence. Nico looked to me and I quickly explained

"I am not your full brother, Poseidon is my father, but daddy gave me powers over his realm." His eye widened but he nodded and I grasped him as I stepped into the portal.

"How long was I gone?" I asked Termit who had just appeared.

"Well, I would say my Lord a little over three months." He replied calmly although I expected he was anything but calm. I nodded, so daddy must be worried sick over me. I picked up my pace eager to see my daddy again

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