Chapter 8

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POV: Percy

A sharp rap to my head caused me to awake and I glared at the ceiling as my vision focused and I was able to see. Nico was holding a baseball bat and Luke was holding a staff.

"What the?" I asked then realised that daddy was standing in the shadows. "Daddy, not to be rude but what are you doing here?"

"Well, Percy. I promised to visit you and Nico before didn't I?" He teased and I suddenly remembered.

"Shoot, sorry I forgot with Hermes and everything..." I trailed off.

"Percy, it is fine. I am not mad at you. You did the right thing. Hermes and Luke needed to see each other. You helped them if anything I am proud of you my boy." Daddy grinned and I sank back into my bed in relief.

"I never got a chance to thank you, Perce. It was great meeting my dad and he promised to be a better father now!" Luke gushed out.

"That is awesome Luke!" I exclaimed and hugged him. "I am glad you and your dad are on much better terms now." I looked towards daddy and he was grinning widely.

"Congratulations Luke" Daddy's grin turned into a smile. Luke flinched back at daddy's smile. I didn't really get it. Daddy smiled often in front of me and Nico. I guess to people who are not used to it... it might be weird. No... I still don't understand.

"Thank you, Lord Hades. That means a lot to me. You have no idea." Luke bowed and stepped back. Daddy nodded at the meaning behind Luke's words.

"I am sorry boys but I need to leave you here." Daddy looked away and punched a bed, causing it to turn over and smash the frame into many pieces. I knew better than to question his words and actions so I nodded and Daddy disappeared into the shadows. Nico's face was covered in mud when I looked at him after a long time of awkward silence. Luke was holding a muddy bucket... Jeez, three guesses who.

Luke erupted into laugher. He shook so hard that he lost his balance and fell into the mud surrounding Nico. That was it. Luke was now covered head to toe, along with Nico. Now I was the one laughing while Nico and Luke were both glaring. I really couldn't careless right now. This was just picture perfect. Speaking of pictures I took out a camera and quickly snapped a shot before either of them could move.

"Percy! Delete that at once!" They both stumbled forward in effort to take the camera from my hands. But I quickly flashed it away safely into my safe.

"No way! That picture is just too good to delete." I joked and touched them both. Luke and Nico watched in amazement as their skin quickly dried. Steam came off their skin and the mud dried and peeled off. "Come one guys. We have only a few hours before we need to get up and train again so I suggest we sleep." I grumbled and made my way over to the bed. I tripped over Zeus. Zeus jumped up and pounced on Nico who had come forward to help me. "Zeus stop! He is trying to help me." I told the eagle who was trying to pick the eyes out of my brother.

"Geez, Percy you know I love you and all but really? I really hate that pets of yours." He gasped finally free from the talons. "Must they always try to kill me?" He questioned no doubt remembering the time when he was almost mauled to death by Hades.

"Yes, they must. But they do it because they love you so much." I teased and hopped into my bed. I tried to sleep but it was impossible due to the fact that Luke was on the ground laughing uncontrollably. I rolled my eyes and Luke stood up. "I guess being a son of Hermes makes you like that." I grumbled trying to get so shut eye. I heard a poof and the smell of cow dung filled the cabin. A piece of paper floated down.

I heard that. Not all of my children are like that. I though you would know better, Perseus. -Hermes

I ignored the letter and got up. I opened the windows. At the moment I was struggling to no breathe in the nasty smell but it was unavoidable. I took a quick sniff and nearly fainted. I was going to get Hermes back for this. I was sure daddy was going to as well. I imagined the horrible thing daddy was going to do to Hermes when he found out that Hermes made his cabin smell like cow dung. I fell asleep happily thinking about the thoughts of Hermes screaming.

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