Chapter 5

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POV: Percy

We descended into the waves and we appeared at Atlantis a few minutes later. It was beautiful, but the thing that bothered me most was that I felt right at home here. It was almost like the underworld to me. I guess this is where a really belong in the sea I thought.

Poseidon's hand was gripping mine very hard, I realised he was waiting for me to say something.

"Um, nice place" I stuttered utterly lost for words. The onyx and sapphire jewel dimmed and the emerald jewel shone. I was about to question it but then I realised it was because the jewels were reflecting on where I was currently. The saddest thing is that I can never take off my crown, unless I want to face the wrath of Zeus, Poseidon, and my father. I knew they wouldn't punish me permanently but it would still be very disturbing for me.

Poseidon just nodded

"It took about a few thousand years to construct, it better look great." I rolled my eyes. To a god a few thousand years must be nothing when you could live for eternity if you wanted. I walked passed him and continued to the throne room. There were four thrones. I turned around and raised one eyebrow. Poseidon, father, took one look at me and explained

"I thought, since you are prince, you also need a throne here as well." He shrugged. I walked toward the throne with my name on it and sat down. I felt the power of the ocean within in me, I quickly got up before I did something rash.

Father was watching me and I hurried to my room. (I knew it was my room because of the colors and the bags that were there.) The room was decorated with many sea items. Seashells, algae, and coral were a few things present in the room. Truthfully I was unimpressed, the queen sized bed was nice but I preferred my king sized shadow bed. Living in the underworld with daddy really affected me. I flopped down on the bed, I heard a poof and a card fluttered down.

I caught it and tore it open wanting to know if it was my daddy but I groaned when I realised Poseidon wanted to see me. I walked to the closet and changed into a blue suit. I swam the way back to the throne room to find it empty. It was a bout super time so I went to the dining hall. The room had no water filling it, a bit surprising considering we were under water. A huge table cared from gold coral was in the middle and servants were exiting and entering with dishes of food.

Poseidon, Triton, and Amphitrite were dining together, waiting for me. Amphitrite glared at me and I glared back she shrunk down and I smirked. My daddy was going to be proud of me I knew it.

A shadow appeared out of the blue and my hellhound, Hades, came bounding out of it. I raised my hand and he came to lick it. Poseidon, who had just recovered from his shock, ordered for a dog bowl to be brought.

I just noticed today on the table we were going to have steak. I took about five steaks form the middle. Everyone, including the guards and servants, stared at me in shock. I grinned and passed three of the steaks to Hades. Everyone was in human form so I supposed they only had a human appetite. I dug in, it wasn't that bad but I preferred the meals I had with daddy, in the underworld. I couldn't help but compare everything here to the underworld. It just seemed too peaceful in here, for my liking. In the underworld you had people screaming daily and daily surprises. There was no point in mopping, I told myself. You are going to be stuck her for a few days might as well enjoy it. Poseidon seemed to think the mood round the table was too heavy so he tried to lighten it.

"So, did any one hear about a joke about a blowfish?" he asked. I knew his actions were in my best interest but I just snapped.

"Father, I appreciate the effort but I don't need your pity right now. I just want to eat, call my daddy, and then turn in for the night." I bowed slightly to them and left, for my room.

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