Chapter 6

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POV: Percy

At the end of the meeting the gods all looked bored probably due to Zeus' long speech at the end. I am surprised that he didn't realise that quite a few of the Olympians had fallen asleep. I guess the good thing is that I find out where I get the drooling thing from. Poseidon's face was in his hands as he slept and drool slowly came out of his mouth. I looked away in disgust but in the end I gave in. I knew I was like that as well, my mother always teased me about it.

Zeus took one look around and he stomped his foot and the ground trembled, because Poseidon jumped up and landed rather hardly on the ground.

"Why is everyone SLEEPING?" he thunder and turned to me for an answer. I shrunk back and looked to daddy, he was sleeping, I thumped his foot so hard he winched and woke up.

"Ouch!" he complained but I glared at him and gestured to Zeus. "Oh..." he mumbled as he finally understood the situation. "Zeus, I had a rough night I didn't sleep well" he explained although I knew he was lying, he slept like the dead yesterday.

"That doesn't excuse sleeping during my speech, you have all the time in the world to sleep. Now I will say my speech again." He told us. No, please I can listen to that again. I face-palmed as he started, again, pretended to find his speech interesting.

At the end to the speech only daddy, Poseidon, Apollo, Athena, and I were awake. Even though Zeus was very unhappy he didn't feel like saying again, so he dismissed all the Olympians and I went to stand by his side. It was night and we had wasted a whole day with his speech, so he let us head in for the night. But not after promising I would work on my new powers tomorrow.

I was woken up by a bucket of cold water being poured on my head. I wasn't wet but it was still unpleasant especially since it was three thirty.

"What was that for?" I complained as Zeus stepped out of the shadows along with Poseidon, Hades, and Athena. They were all snickering. I willed the water towards them and suddenly they were the ones wet. I cracked up and Poseidon flicked the water away but it was too funny. I doubled over laughing my head off. Zeus looked like a drenched cat!

Daddy wasn't pleased to be wet but shrugged, he knew I would splash them back and he brought hand â€"me down clothes. Typical, he cared about his nice suit. Unfortunately for Zeus, well it looked like he wore his finest suit. And though Poseidon made the water disappear the salt still stained it. But nothing a god can't fix. Just a wave from Zeus' hand and the suit was as good as new.

"Let's work on your air powers now shall we." He said irritated.

"Why, might I ask, do we need to work now? My, Lord?"I hesitantly said not wanting to provoke his temper tantrums.

"Because unfortunately I must call an Olympian meeting later on and don't have the time to teach you, so suck it up."

"Yes, my lord."I replied and disappeared into my closet.

I changed into a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt.

Zeus of course was in a suit but this time less fancy.

"The first thing you need it concentration and which is another reason why I chose this time. The silence will help you and when you are comfortable we will try lightning and thunder." He explained bored.

I concentrated and willed the air to rise. The air rose and I rose as well, until I was a hundred feet from where I started.

"Well done, I have never seen someone more natural. That is it for today then." He chuckled and left.

I hurried to the throne room, just in time to make it for the meeting. Zeus was in the middle to speaking but I ignored the looks he was giving me and sat down at the feet of my daddy.

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