Chapter 10

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POV: Percy

Olympus was at a current state of uproar. It was almost impossible for me to hear myself think. This is going to far, I thought and glaced at my father. I nodded at him and he looked at me confused but he grinned as he noticed what I was doing. Dark shadows were now swirling around the room. The room was now pitch black and the gods silenced.

"Percy, what are you doing?" I turned to daddy and gave him a quick smile

"All of you! Right now I know it is a big shock but we must work together. They are trying to catch us seperated. Don't you gods see? They are using your pride and envy to destroy yourself." I was glaring heavily at all of the gods present, my father included. " I met Kronos, so what? He is just a big scardy cat." I knew I was taking a risky chance but I needed to try.

"Percy, Kronos is not a scardy cat. He was the one to lead his troops into battle, he isn't afraid to take bold risks. He doesn't care for human life on earth. Mortals are useless to him. This is where he is strong. He doesn't needed to worry about destroying human life on earth, while we need tp protect the humans on orders of the fates." Daddy steped up.

I sighed.

" I know, dad. But right now the only thing that is important is gaining confidence. If we believe that we are going to lose and don't even try to win then we will never get anywhere." I explained and Athena's eyes sparked for some reason.

"Perseus, is right." I started at Athena in shock.

" Yes, I must agreed with Perseus. What we should do right now is get ready for war. I will ready my huntressess." My mouth dropped open. I swear it was almost hitting the floor right now. Artemis the man hating goddess was stand up for me as well as Poseidon's enemy, Athena. Could this day get anymore weird? First Kronos has to come then suddenly the maiden goddesses are sticking up for me.

I mean that is just weird. Too weird. Strange it almost seem as if the goddess were in some sort of trance like state. My eyes narrowed, there was nothing I could do cause I wasn't sure but I now knew to keep my eyes open for Artemis and Athena. I tried to show daddy that I had suspicions but I don't think that he got the message. It didn't seem like he got it because I didn't see him nod off to me to show me he did notice. I guess I just needed to tell him later. The gods after Artemis and Athena spoke up started to work together and devised plans on how to fight against Kronos. I was happy for once I suppose. My father and mother were included in the decisions made. They finally got the respect that they deserved. I also found myself engaged in the plans and battle strategies.

After the meeting I walked into the shadows to return home but felt a grip on my arm.

"Percy, I want you to know how thankful I am about you saving me." I stiffened but forced myself to relax not wanting to cause a fight.

"Your welcome, Lord Poseidon." Poseidon flinched and retrieved his arm. I hurried into the shadows after that worried that he would get another idea and stop me from returning home.

POV: Kronos

Ha, those fool of gods. They actually believed that Oceanus was Poseidon. This was beautiful, with Oceanus in place of Poseidon I would bring down the gods once and for all.

"Lord Kronos..." I turned and a demi-god was deeply bowing, as he should.

"WHAT?! can't you see I am in a good mood? Don't ruin it for me." I said as I made a swinging motion with my scythe and he scurried away. Great, my good mood was ruined. Now, all I needed to do was to make sure that the son of Hades wouldn't find out my plan. The goddesses Athena and Artemis would surely draw his attention away from Poseidon.

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