Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson series, books, or characters.

A/N: So, I am getting better slowly. I will be concentrating on this story as well as a few others maybe. ;)

I'm sorry about the delay in all the chapters for people who actually like my stories. Alot has been happening and I was to busy with school work and the hospital didn't help.

Okay, thank you to the people who reviewed. I got some negative reviews regarding my stupidity on some of my stories. So, yeah, I have been holding a secret. I am the stupidest person alive. Don't like my stories don't read. Look, I understand that some things happen. I might have changed many things in my story but that doesn't mean that it is wrong to do so.

If anyone wants to know: This story might be a Percy X Clarisse story but there is a possible that it might have another pairing. However, there will not be any rated M content.


POV: Poseidon

"You do?" I responded quite happily I might add. I would do anything to get out of here. This place was the absolute worse!

"I think so..." He didn't seem so sure but then again anything was better that just staying here. It was worth a try in the end. If we died here then at least we died trying to get out and not giving up.

"Well, what is the plan?" It was obvious that he didn't expect me to agree with him so quickly. I felt sad that he had no faith in me but he didn't really have a good experience with me, even if it really wasn't me. Ugh, I'm confusing myself now. I'm not even sure what is wrong or right anymore.

"I think we need to find our way to something called the doors of death. But I have no idea where it is or what it looks like." That wasn't very helpful but at least we know what it was called. "My dad said that the Doors of Death are to the North or something of Tartarus." That was a bit more specific.

"I know where North is." I said, pointed to the left of us. Sadly North wasn't a nice walk on the beach. It was hot and dry from the looks of it. I hoped that somehow we wouldn't die from dehydration, the odds weren't looking good though. I had to force myself to walk to the place without water. I had always had water along side during my life.

"Wait!" Percy had called out to me. I was only more than happy to comply with his request. "I think I know how we can get water or at least something to drink." Maybe I was wrong, maybe we had a chance of not dying.

"Does wine have any water?"


"Ugh, I should know this. It is this place, it is messing with my brain." He muttered "Anyways, Dionysus gave me the power to make wine. Perhaps if I could separate the water in the wine then we could drink it."

For once in my life I was thankful that Dionysus was alive, never tell him I said that though. I would never live it down.

"Let's try now." Both Percy and I concentrated. He made the wine appear, small amounts at a time, but still we could extract enough water to drink. The water tasted fine, Percy was pleased but he seemed frustrated. I decided to ignore his look of frustration, he seemed frustrated half the time anyways.

POV: Percy

Okay, so Poseidon and I traveled for a while trying to find out where we were but it didn't seem to be working. No matter which path we took we always ended up at the same spot. At the end I got frustrated and started dropping pebbles where we had walked and eventually we reached a new part of Tartarus. Okay, if before was bad then this was worse. At least before there was a stream that ran through the middle. I knew enough about water to tell it was safe to drink. The water there was pure but here... that was a completely different story.

There was no water! It wasn't a problem of course, but no water often doesn't mean good things. Lack of life down in Tartarus was obvious. Many different demons were still reforming but any others scurried around. It didn't bother me, as they didn't attack, but I knew it would change eventually.

I glanced around us. Poseidon was looking tired but I knew that he was fine. He had at least a good couple days left in him before he became excessively tired. We could survive off of water for a while but eventually we would starve. I wasn't happy. We needed help and I didn't know how to get it. I was almost about to give up when,

"Percy!" I turned.

"Bob?" I asked in surprise. The titan, Iapetus, still hadn't changed from the time he fell into River Lethe.

"Percy, you needed help and here I am. The gods are nice, no?" He asked with a huge smile on his face.

"I suppose so" I said, not know where this was going."

"They let me stay in the Underworld, it is my home." I understand now. Bob likes the Underworld, I guess he feels more comfortable here.

He was waving his broom stick around. I have no idea why he insists on using a broomstick as a weapon. The idea is ridiculous to me.


"Who am I?" I wasn't concerned about myself losing my memories but it seemed that Iapetus lost his. I pulled him out and set him down on the river bank.

"Your name is Bob" I blurted out the first name that came to mind.

"Bob?" He smiled "What is your name?" He was still smiling. I didn't know what to do but I guess-for the better of the entire world-I should make up a story. So, I did make up a story.

I told him about us being best friends, how he had hit his head and probably suffered brain damage, about the greek mythology, and -most of all- how he was loyal to the gods (Olympians). He accepted it happily and my father was proud of what I had done.

The gods agreed to let him stay in the Underworld because he liked it there, however, he had a job. My father never told me about it and I was confused at first but I accepted his excuse.

*End of Flashback*

"Why are you in Tartarus though?" I asked, it made no sense. No one would willingly jump into Tartarus, would they?

" I am here because you need help. We are friends, friends help friends." He looked at me seriously. I didn't think he would take the friends thing this seriously, but I was glad to see him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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