Chapter 9

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POV: Percy

"Percy! Please wake up!" Nico shook me and I grabbed his arm to stop him from breaking my neck.

"What is it Nico? How come it is always you or Luke causing trouble?" I grumbled

"Percy!" Both Nico and Luke exclaimed and I rose my hands in surrender

"So what is so important that you needed to wake me up?" I asked glancing around, doing a quick sweep of the area.

"Clarisse is gone..." Nico trailed off as my eyes narrowed.

"No... no, no, NO!" I nearly shouted

"I am sorry Percy but neither Luke or myself know why she is gone. We both though she was outside training but she wouldn't answer any of our shouts for her. I think maybe they have her." Nico whispered

"No, come on guys that is almost impossible." I reasoned but I was fighting a losing battle. I knew better than this even if we did have time to search for her the quest had to come first. Now I knew what sacrifice meant. Losing quest memebers was to be expected I just didn't have the heart to think that I would happen on my very first one. I knew what I had to do. Leaving Clarisse would be hard but I had to for the better of the world. If not then we might as well all just give up now. "Guys, you might nto lke this but we are going. I am sorry but we don't have time to waste. Already we only have a short amount of time." Luke nodded slowly whiel Nico just left to get his bags. I looed down upon the floor in shame. I hoped Clarisse could forgive me. I promised myself that then and there if I every come out of the quest alive then I would go looking for her. I then realised that my pets were missing... both Zeus and Hades.

"So where are we headed now?" I nearly jumped out of my skin, I was drawn out of my inner musing by Luke's voice.

"I suppose we would continue in Alaska and try to find Poseidon. Maybe then he can help us later on in the quest for the Bolt and Helm." I stiffly responded

"Okay, then I guess we should be heading on our way now..." Nico appeared before me, after jumping out of a shadow.

"Sure" I said as I repacked the tent and stuffed it into my bag. I checked the car and after a quick inspection I found that the car was warm and the tank was empty. "Did any of you use the car?" I inquired glaring at both of them as they shook their heads in denial. Strange indeed. "Ahh ha!" I exclaimed as I found a pair of some kind of footprints I hoped. But of course the world hates me and the tacks lead to a tree and I spotted the squirrel that must have left the prints. "Damn" I muttered

"What the hell?!" Luke yelled suddenly and I glanced up, to find Nico in the grip of a gryphon.

"Percy!" He yelled

"Damn it!" I swore and jumped up and ripped open Riptide. I slashed at the gryphon who jumped out fo the way. "Shit" I swore as the gryphon started to fly away with Nico. I quickly shadow travelled and landed on top of the gryphon holding Nico and with my bare hands I strangled the thing. We were dropping at a dangerous pace, spiraling towards the ground. I grabbed Nico and made a dive for the nearby stream and luckily we landed perfectly right in the middle, the water cusioning our fall. I quickly commanded the air in the water to gather around us and in an air bubble, Nico and I floated to the surface.

"Thank the gods you two are alright." Luke seemed generally concerned actually. I mean he should have known better me being the son of Hades... and Poseidon (shudder).

"Lighten up Lukie, it is not like anything could actually happen." I teased "Besides I don't think the gods would let me die just yet, I have a feeling that daddy would bring me back if I did." Luke rolled his eyes at this statement and I dashed out of the water and shot water into his open mouth.

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