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8 months later

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8 months later....

The hospital corridors echoed with urgency as Coach Taylor and Maisy hurried through the bustling wing. Their footsteps resonated against the tiled floor, a sharp contrast to the moments of calm Maisy had enjoyed earlier in the day in Austin. Now, she found herself in a whirlwind, racing through the Dillon Hospital, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and nervousness.

Coach Taylor's determined stride led them to the room where Tami was in labor. Maisy stood back, observing the flurry of activity as Eric rushed in, the air filled with a blend of excitement and apprehension.

Tami's cries and grunts filled the room, a symphony of labor pains intermingled with anticipation. Maisy watched from the corner, her eyes glued to the scene unfolding before her. The joy and elation on Eric and Tami's faces as they welcomed their baby girl into the world were palpable, casting a glow of happiness over the room.

"Did you want to come see?" a nurse whispered, breaking Maisy's reverie. She hesitated for a moment, glancing at the family gathered around the bed. Julie's eyes met hers briefly, a mix of emotions passing between them, before Eric waved her over.

"Come on, you're family now too," Eric said warmly, his gesture inviting Maisy into the intimate circle of celebration. She stepped forward, her gaze softening as she looked at the newborn baby resting peacefully in Tami's arms.

"Gracie Taylor," Tami introduced with a proud smile, her eyes sparkling with joy. Maisy returned the smile, admiring the tiny bundle of new life before her.

"She's got two big sisters to look up to now," Tami remarked, glancing at Julie and Maisy. The exchange between them felt strained, the underlying tension palpable despite the joyful occasion.

"Okay, family photo!" the nurse announced, grabbing the camera to capture the precious moment. Eric pulled Maisy closer to him, the camera capturing their blended family in a snapshot of happiness.

After the initial greetings and well-wishes from the nurses subsided, Maisy stepped outside the room, Julie following her. The cool hospital corridor offered a brief respite from the emotional intensity inside.

"Could you maybe not?" Julie snapped, her frustration evident in her tone.

Maisy's brows furrowed, caught off guard by Julie's abruptness. "Not what? Speak up," she retorted, crossing her arms defensively.

"What's your problem? I've been trying to reach out to you, and you've been ignoring my calls," Maisy argued, her frustration bubbling to the surface.

"You were supposed to be here for me, and you're not. Plus, you took my dad away from me. I get it, you needed a home and a family, but you didn't need to snatch mine from me. You said you were going to fight to stay in Dillon, and you went and moved," Julie vented, her hurt and resentment spilling out.

Faith, Football & Friday Nights // T. Riggins *rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now