Chapter 1(part 1): Hinata is WHAT?!

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So starting of with some basic things of the story then onto other things i guess? Hope you enjoy it!!


The Generation Of Miracles, is a group of 5 exceptionally talented players that played together on the Teikō Junior High basketball team. They won the junior high school Nationals for three consecutive years before graduating and scattering across different high schools with the intentions of rivaling each other. While the Generation of Miracles is widely accepted as a group of five, there exists an additional phantom 6th man and 7th unknown player acknowledged by each of the prodigies. The 2 only existed as a myth in others eyes.

The 7th unknown player, Hinata Shoyo, was actually was the one who founded the GOM abilities. He and his brother, Hinata Tetsuya or Kuroko Tetsuya, has always had great abilities in sports. Hinata Shoyo was actually smart and taught the each of the 5 of GOM, his skills. He just acts dumb and just pass or fail his tests unless it is an important one.

Hinata has been a bench warmer since tetsuya and kise joined. Since he was the 'monster' player, he was very OP. The coach only put him in if they were in a pinch, which was rare

Tetsuya and shoyo are twins with a bit of opposite personalities. They love sports. Both can play basketball and volleyball. Played since young. Amongst their siblings, they are the best when playing together. They also have a lot of stamina. Shouta volunteered to stay with shoyo in Miyagi. They go to Tokyo during Holidays, school break and weekend sometimes. They are used to travelling, but dont if either has training.


>{3rd person pov}<

Karasuno is currently in the mountain areas to train up their stamina and adaptability ish. They are basically by a court near the roads that extend through the mountains. Though they were not familiar to most, as long as they stick to the pathways and roads, they should be fine. There was a certain sunshine that suprisingly knows where they are.

They were having a running session first and since the duo are them they started racing off the pathways. The 3rd years saw this and ran after them yelling at them to get back. Then the rest of the team followed them.

They finally managed to get the duo to listen to them and stopped them. They "SoMeHoW" ended in the middle to nowhere.

"Uhhhh- Where are we???"Suga blurted out of nowhere. The others looked around and finally realised the obvious- they were lost. The team turned to the duo.

"GOMEN!!" Both of them shouted at the top of their lungs and did a 90° bow.

After an hour of walking around and feeling more lost, Shoyo finally said something.

"Uh. Everyone-... I'm very sorry we got lost and its getting dark so-" "Hinata it's ok we'll find a way out..'i hope' "Suga cut him off.

>{Shoyo's pov}<

Suga-san had cut me off as I was about to offer them a place to stay since it was getting dark. I was feeling guilty and since me and Shouta was going to the family house, I thought why not invite them over.

"Eto... I want to invite you all over since- well I kinda got us lost and since it is getting dark. " I managed to say out in a much calmer tone.I saw Daichi-san and Suga-san exchange uncertain looks.

"Eto.. Do your parents mind us staying over? Do you know a way out of here?" Daichi-san asked me, still giving the same uncertain look.

"Well~ I don't live with my parents. I live with my sibling. I'm very sure he wouldn't mind you staying over." I said while avoiding their eyes. Everyone soon agreed. So I lead them.

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