Chapter 2: The News

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Hello so uh i am currently rewatching haikyuu bc idrk y. Sorry if this chapter is kinda short and horrible. Have a great day.


>{Shoyo's pov}<

As per usual, I wake up at 4.05 in the morning. Do some workout for about 20 minutes. Have a refreshing shower. Prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for the day since today there is practice till late.

'What would Shouta want for dinner?' I kept asking myself while frying an omelette.

'What would Shouta want for dinner?' I kept asking myself while frying an omelette

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The bento he made for both for lunch^

The snack box that he always would prepare for Shouta^

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The snack box that he always would prepare for Shouta^

The snack box that he always would prepare for Shouta^

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He then check the time. It was 5.57. He knocked the door to Shouta's room.

"Shou! Time to wake up! I made breakfast!" I say as I knocked on the door. When I heard a soft "ok", I proceeded to find my cats. After I found them, I fed them.

Shouta came into the room and yawned a good morning to me. I reply him and set the pancakes infront of him and he immediately dug in after saying thanks.

"Shou. I already put your bento and snacks in your bag. Dinner's in the fridge meaning I'll be back home late due to practice. Don't come back too late today ok?" I said and sipped my coffee( yess hinata drinks coffee but the teams don't know).

Shouta nodded at me with his mouth full of the pancakes.

I checked the time again. It was 6.18.

"Ok I'll get going then. Bye. Have a great day at school." I said as I put the cup into the sink and grabbed my bag that was ready. I headed out and ride my bike to school.


It is currently lunch. Im eating my bento in the Gym. My class finished early.

'Class was boring~ I already learnt all that they were teaching. The consequence I have to pay for pretending to be stupid. If only everyone knew who I was behind my mask and secrets~ Karasuno would probally win the Nationals if they knew. Winning is fun but so is losing. Though I kinda feel bad for pretending Im stupid and not good at volleyball. If only they knew' I let my thoughts roam in my head.

Suddenly my phone rang.

Italic- korean
Normal- Japanese

"Moshi Moshi! Hinata Shoyo here! Who is this?" I asked.

"Hello, Shorty. Did you miss me?" ? Asked.

"Oh, it's you. Not really. What do you need?" I asked back.

"Nothing really just asking when you're gonna come back to Tokyo. I miss you. At least playing against you. "? Said as they chuckled.

"Don't know. I can't wait to beat you again." I replied confidently.

"Ok, then. Also don't be suprised by anything yea~ See you next time we meet then. Bye~"? Said before ending the call.

I sighed before putting my attention to my bento.


>{no one's pov}<

"BOKE!" Kageyama called out to Hinata and set to him. They yet again did another one of their famous quick attack. Just as they were about to do one more, dadchi- i mean Daichi told them that practice was over. Karasuno all nodded to him.

Suddenly, Takeda burst into the gym surprising the managers, coach and team.

"I *pants* have n-*pants* news!! *pants* " He managed to say.

Everyone gathered around him as he caught his breath.

" So. We were invited to join a training camp in Tokyo. The host of the training camp is Itachiyama Institute. Inarizaki, Shiratorizawa, Seijoh, Nekoma, Date Tech Kamomedai, Fukurōdani and Johzenji are also invited (sorry for not putting other schools). Eto but, their basketball club is also holding a training camp. Eto....6 other basketball teams will be there. Uhm Seirin, Kaijō, Shūtoku, Tōō, Yōsen and Rakuzan will be there. It will be for 8 weeks. Starting next month's holiday. I will hand out forms. " Takeda said.

Everyone was so excited. But the most excited was hinata. He quickly rushed home as soon as he got the form. He literally disappeared (his twin taught him how to). He didnt know that the ??? were in those schools. He did, however, know that Seirin is the school Tetsuya went to.

He rushed home. Not forgetting to stop by Coach Ukai's shop for meatbuns.

When he got home, he told Shouta. Turns out shouta had a practice match against a team in tokyo too. The best thing was that the school they were going to play against was near Itachiyama. In fact, the school Shouta was going to play against is Itachiyama Junior High.

Both were excited. The room became so bright that if you were to go in, you'd go blind.

Thank you for 60 reads. Stay safe yall.
Sorry for the short chapter.

To make things clear- Hinata is very mature but don't shows it. He actually consumes a lot of caffeine, but not infront of the teams. He is very fluent in Japanese, Korean and ???.

Can yall guess who the mystery person is that called Shoyo?

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