Chapter 1- The Pep Rally

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Eddie POV

I am so sick of this school and it's obsession with basketball, like Christ you're just throwing balls into laundry baskets what's the big deal. But whether I like it or not the Pep rally is compulsory.

As everyone shuffles into the gym I keep a look out for where the other Hellfire members are sitting, I finally see them in the grandstand so I move through the crowd and stand next to dustin and Mike.

I glance across the gym, noticing the band members, I always thought about joining band but it looks shit. Eventually the cheerleaders come out and start doing some routine.

And after that the team comes out and Jason gives some shitty speech, before they play a game, I don't think this is an important one though I think it's just for fun.

I notice Lucas sitting on the bench, I don't get why he still hangs out with all them, I mean he's not even playing, they obviously don't give a shit about him.

After what feels like years the game finally ends and we're dismissed. It's Friday which means tonight is hellfire, so I leave the gym to go set up but Run into dustin standing next to Steve

Steve Harrington, I have always been jealous of him, rich parents, chicks love him, popular, and not a douche? Bullshit. Dustin never stops talking about him the kid worships him. It's so annoying but Jesus he's hot.

"Eddie there you are, this is Steve, Steve this is Eddie" Dustin says. Steve looks me up and down then holds out his hand.

"Dustin says a lot about you" he says, I nod and shake his hand, I hate shaking peoples hands.

"Yeah he mentions you a lot, the kid loves you" I smile "so what're you doing at the pep rally?"

"Mainly cuz Lucas said he might be playing, but also cuz Robin was coming and she needed a ride" he replies, I just nod in replay "anyway I should go I've got work soon, Dustin you need a ride?"

"Nah Eddie will take me home after we set up for hellfire" Dustin replies. I nod once again

"Ok, I'll see you later then" he turns to me "see you soon Munson" he winks at me then walks away.

Holy shit.

Me and Dustin walk to our hellfire room and start setting up "so you and Steve been friends a while right?

"Yeah like 2 years" he replies as he puts the seats around the table

"Cool.. what about is girlfriend how long have they been together?" I ask very subtly, I have no idea if he has a girlfriend or not, or if he's straight.

Dustin laughs "yeah right girlfriend. No he's single but I think he and Robin like each other, or at least he likes her"

Huh guess he doesn't know robins gay. But I'm glad he doesn't have a girlfriend "nice.. anyway I think we're done so I can drop you home, let's go"

We walk out to the car, passing all the assholes talking about sport as we do. When we're on the way to Dustin's I can't get my mind of Steve . "Hey Dustin? You should see if Steve wants to join hellfire"

"He has no idea how to play, and he might find it boring, why do you think he would want to?" He asks in reply.

"Oh I just thought he might be good at it, you know I could teach him how to play and with the right class and race he could be helpful to the team" that as well as I really wanna see him again.

"Maybe, I'll ask him to come to one session but you'll have to have something for him to do or He'll complain" he responds

I nod and smile to myself "alright cool.. I'll see you later tonight" I drop him off at home then drive back to my trailer.

"Wayne! I'm home!" I yell as I walk to my room and dump my bag on the door. I sit on my bed and picks up my planning sheets for tonight's session.

Once I know everything's ready I go take a shower and get ready. And before I know it it's time to leave so I grab my stuff and get back in my car.

When I get to the back car park, where me and the others in hellfire park, I notice a car I don't recognise, stupid mother fucker must've parked in the wrong spot.

I ignore it and walk into our room, when I get there I see the others talking then Steve. Steve is sitting in my seat and looking through everything.

"Henderson" I say as I quickly walk over to Dustin "is Steve playing tonight?" I ask

"Yeah.. he's gonna be Lucas's sub, I told him we can just tell him what to do today then tomorrow you guys can meet up and show him how to play for real"

I nod "ok" I didn't have enough time to mentally prepare for this and now I'm gonna be stressing all night about tomorrow. I walk over to where Steve is at my eat "hey, you're actually not supposed to see what the dungeon master has planned.. and this is my seat"

Steve looks at me then gets up "right sorry" he moves to the seat next to me as I sit down and get my stuff organised "so Henderson said you're gonna teach me how to play tomorrow? That cool with you?"

"Yeah if you're happy to, it can be pretty complicated but I'm sure you'll pick it up, or today you just need to know your dice" i hand him a spare dice "it's mainly the D20 then with attacks also the D4 and D6 but we'll tell you want you need to do" I smile

Soon everyone's ready and we sit around the table to start the session

Meant to be yours. Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now