Chapter 16- The Munsons

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Steve POV

I've been staying with Eddie in hospital for like a week in a half now since his uncle needs to work a lot, plus I wanna be here for him, he's healing pretty quickly, and he's getting out tomorrow, I think he's going a little stir crazy cuz he keeps suggesting we have sex in the bathroom before the doctors come back.

"Why can't it be tomorrow already, I'm so sick of this place" he whines, sighing dramatically "like I'm not even allowed to smoke here what's the point of being here?"

"Uh to not die" I reply, pulling him closer into my arms "and remember even when you go home you have to take it easy"

"I know I know" he sighs and leans against me "you're way to worried to, you've been stressed all week you need to relax"

"I'm perfectly relaxed, you don't need to worry about me" I kiss his head  softly

"Well someone has to, I want to look after you as well" he replied looking up at me "on the weekend you should come over and we can just relax and watch a movie yeah" I nod In agreement

The next day

I drive to Eddie's trailer and help him inside, the doctors said he still needs to be pretty careful and they gave him a bunch of prescriptions to help with the pain, so I need to take his illegal drugs so he doesn't accidentally OD "Is your uncle home? I'll  call in sick from work and stay here if you need me too"

"Steve go to work, Wayne will be here in like an hour, you can call me when you finish work" he kisses me softly "no go you butthead" he smiles

Eddie POV

Once Steve leaves I get up and drive to the liquor store, it's only across the road, and I buy a few bottles with turns out more expensive then I wanted. Steve took all my drugs so that's not an option, but he never said I couldn't drink. And also, I nearly fucking died I think I should be allowed a bottle of whiskey.

But I should have just gotten someone else to pick it up cuz walking hurts like hell. But I eventually get back and sit on the couch and turn on the TV.

After awhile Wayne comes home, I'm a little drunk but not even Enough to do dumb shit. "Where did you get the alcohol I thought we were out?"

"I went and bought some more, there's a few bottles in the cupboard if you want some" i reply, mainly looking at the tv

"For fucks sake Eddie we can't afford to bulk buy alcohol every time we run out especially if you're drinking two bottles a day, I though we agreed to cut down" Wayne says walking over

"No you agreed to cut down, I didn't, and either way I used my money so it's no big deal" I shrug and take another sip"

"You can't be a fucking Alcoholic at 19! And I told you if you're going to sell drugs for a living you have to use the money responsibly to save up for a house or new car, not blow it all on alcohol!" He shouts

"Im not a fucking alcoholic Christ stop over reacting, it's my money I can spend it however I want"

"Not if you want to keep living here, you're almost 20 Eddie start taking some fucking responsibility or you can go move back with your father!"

I get up "fuck you! It's already fucked up I pay for half the bills and half our food I should be able to buy myself a drink when I want! You're the one that can't fucking afford anything more then a trailer"

"You have always offered to pay for shit, and I work 10 times harder then you so might be able to get a better place one day, if you're gonna complain about that get out!" He yells

I throw the bottle in my hand and the wall and flip him off before storming out to my car. My first instinct is to go to Steve's place so I do that, but I've left all my painkillers at home and I'm supposed to take more soon cuz it's fucking wearing off and everything hurts like hell, and for fucks sake Wayne needs to fucking calm down.

I park outside Steve's place and sit on the porch. He doesn't finish for another hour so I guess I'll just wait. I lean against the wall and try to take deep breaths, I was told that's supposed to stop the pain, but clearly none of them has been attacked my a demogorgan before.

I look at my shirt and sigh, great I'm bleeding again, the doctors said that might happen if I move to much, and I should me able to stop it with pressure so I just keep my hand on it. Why is my family so fucking annoying, Wayne isn't usually like that but I've obviously crossed a line some how cuz he would never tell me to life with my dead until he was really pissed at me. So great I guess I have that for me.

And as well as that I still need to talk to Troy, but I can't go to school, for awhile, I should make it to my graduation though. Mike gets back today though so tomorrow he can stay with will as well as Dustin, I doubt Lucas will be much help since he's hanging out with the jocks but he can at least watch out for him

Eventually I see Steve's car pull into the street, but I can't even be bothered to stand up. I watch as he parks then starts walking over and soon notices me "Eddie? What the hell are you doing here? Why aren't you at home in bed?" He asks

"I had a fight with Wayne, long story short he told me to get up" i reply, getting up carefully, he helps "sorry I just didn't really know where else to go but I can leave you you need me to"

"Don't be stupid you can stay here as long as you want" he picks me up "as long as you promise to start actually taking care of yourself, please? I don't want you to get hurt, more hen you already Have" he Carries me up the stares to his room

I smile and nod "fine, but you know you don't have to carry me, I'm perfectly capable of walking" i reply, wrapping my arms around him.

"Yeah but you're also so adorable and it's fun carrying you" he puts me down on the bed and lays next to me 

I blush slightly and turn to look at him "you're such a simp Harrington"

He rolls his eyes and moves closer "only for you Munson" he kisses me softly, I return the kiss and pull him closer, having no intention of stopping it.. unless he wants me to of course

Meant to be yours. Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now