Chapter 9- the date

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Steve POV

I really hope the upside down hasn't opened up again, I don't wanna deal with more demogorgons. Those thing suck and I don't know where my bat when.

But nows not the time to think about that, it's pretty much time for me to go pick up Eddie, and I literally could not be more excited, we're finally on the same page and not fighting so I think it will go well and once it does we can date and it'll be amazing.

I quickly clean out my car and my room then get in my car. I stop at the store first to buy him some chocolates, he doesn't really seem like the kind of person to like flowers so chocolates it is.

I arrive at his place and knock on the door. After a moment Eddie opens the door and smiles at me, he looks hot.. so so hot Jesus who said he can look like that. Like holy shit, I'm not kinky or anything but his hands with the rings and black nail polish are kinda very sexy.  And like his hair holy shit

"You just gonna stand there staring at me Harrington or are we actually gonna go somewhere?" He teases, I snap back to reality and focus on his eyes

"Sorry, yeah- you uh.. you look really good" I smile a little embarrassed "but yeah let's go- oh shit wait these are for you" I hand him the chocolates

He smiles "thank you" he puts them down inside them follows me to my car and gets in "so where exactly are we going?" He asks

"We're going to the drive in, I thought it would be better then the movies cuz it's more comfortable and a little more intimate but also if you hate that idea I got movie tickets as well, and if you don't wanna see a movie we can get dinner"  I say nervously, I want him to enjoy this night

He laughs "the drive in sounds perfect" he takes my hand "you don't need to be nervous ok? If anything I should be nervous you've at least been on dates before I haven't"

"You haven't been on a date before?" He shakes his head "shit I should have made this so much better for to first date"

"Steve relax ok I'm gonna enjoy it cuz it's with you you dumbass" he smiles at me. I just nod and drive us to the drive In and park

"Ok I'll set up the back so we can lay down to watch it do you wanna go get some food?" I had him some money

"Ok but I'll pay" he grind then walks away without taking the money, I roll my eyes and push back the back seats and put down the blankets and pillows I packed.

Eddie comes back about 10 minutes later with a bucket of popcorn, 2 drinks and some hot chips. I take some of it off him to help then we both get in the back on the car facing the screen. I wrap my arm around him "so what're we watching?" He asks, leaning against my shoulder

"Just some new horror movie, dustin said you like them" I look at them

"that kid has a death wish" Eddie says "horror movies are fuckin terrifying man"

"Oh.. shit, ducking Dustin, do you wanna leave we can go see a normal non horror movie?" I suggest

"No it's ok, I don't mind them I just find the anticipation excruciating but also intriguing so I might like it" he shrugs "plus if I don't then it's  always handy to have people in your debt" he jokes. I think

I smile  as we both turn to the screen to start watching. Every time there's a jump scary or something really bad Eddie holds onto me and hides is head in my shoulder, I think it's adorable.

Eventually the movie finishes and a few lights come back on and we sit up "that was fucking horrible" Eddie says, leaning against the seat

"Yeah I'm never taking advice from Dustin again" I reply, smiling softly "anyway what do you wanna do now? We could go grab some dessert or just hang out for a bit, or like go back to one of our places"

"We can go back to your place if you want yeah" he nods and climbs back into the front. I laugh and get out and shut the trunk door then get in the front as well "are your parents home? Cuz I don't wanna get you in trouble by being there" I almost forgot I told him about my parents, it's sweet he remembers

"No they'll be out so it's fine" I smile "and even if they were, they know I don't only like girls so they have to deal with it" I reach over and hold his hand as I drive

He nods "ok good, anyways are you taking me to your place to fuck or talk?"

I blush "uh- well I guess up to you.. but I mean it's only our first date so I don't expect anything and I haven't really done that with a guy before so I probably wouldn't be that good but I mean it's up to you" I ramble kinda nervously

Eddie smiles "Steve relax I was kidding, there no pressure.. we can decide that later"

I blush "oh right, ignore me then" Eddie just laughs. We get back to my place and I take him back to my rooms"

"Oh so you're like rich rich" he comments looking around before sitting on my bed

"I'm not really, but parents are" i reply, sitting next to him

"Yeah same thing" He turns to face me and crosses his legs "so what made you decide to cancel your other date?"

"After you stopped by the video store o was talking to Robin about it.. and after I talked to her I kept thinking about you, not that I hadn't already been thinking about you none stop, it just because incredibly obvious that I wanna date you cuz you're one of my favourite people to be around even if we don't always get along, every time you're there things seem to be more enjoyable and as well as the you're just so fucking attractive" I smile

He blushes a little and smiles "you..ugh you just never fail making me smile whenever when smile it's annoying" I mumbles. "But thank you.. Look I was also kinda jealous of you cuz you're practically perfect but not in an annoying way anymore, I'm a perfect way" he grins then practically leaps onto me and kisses me "and I really wanna be yo ur boyfriend" he adds after a minute

I laugh and put my hands on his wait "I'd be honoured to be to boyfriend" I lean in and kiss him again.

Meant to be yours. Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now