Chapter 10- boyfriends

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Eddie POV

I literally so happy right now, I can't remember the last time I felt like this, being around Steve, hugging him, kissing him everything just makes me want to lock myself in my room and scream but in a good way.

Me and Steve make out for awhile but decide we want to wait for a bit before going any further which I think is a good idea. We have a lost to discuss if we wanna not fight.. like I know he has a problem with drugs, we both tend to over react sometimes, I suck at processing emotions. But we can talk about that later. Right now we're casual. Exclusive but I'm a casual way.

We lay down on Steve's bed and kinda just hold each other in comfortable silence, its so perfect and this night has been perfect. "Steve?" I mumble softly after awhile

"Mhm?" He hums as he gently runs his fingers through my hair

"Can we stay like this forever?" I say softly, playing with his shirt.

"Okay" is all he says then kisses my head. I some point I must fall asleep cuz when I open my eyes again it's light outside and Steve's no longer in bed with me.

I sit up and comb my hair out of my face before looking around the room. I hear the bathroom door open, yeah Steve has a fucking bathroom in his room the rich fuck. I look over at the door and Steve walks out, a towel around his waist and one in hand drying his hair. "Oh you're awake" he smiles and walks over "did you sleep okay?"

"Pretty good, what about you? Do you always wake up this early?" I ask as he walks over to his wardrobe.

"Yeah, I didn't sleep much though so when I woke up again at 6:30 I just decided to get up" he gets dressed then walks over to me

I frown and wrap my arms around him "why didn't you sleep well?"

"Just thinking about some stuff, I just don't want to deal with the demogorgans and upside down and all that again" he puts his head on my shoulder.

"Are you gonna explain what you mentioned the other day? Cuz al that stuff is just in dungeons and dragons so I don't understand" I look at him

He sighs "I don't think I really understand, but the upside down is real, this girl called 11 has superpowers and shut the gate to it but I guess it's open now and the demogorgans are back"

"Okay.. so how did you stop it last time?" I ask still pretty confused.

"Eleven, but she lost her powers so we have to wait for her to get back, and until then we have to find a way to stop those god damn fresh eating dogs from tearing the town apart Which is one of the most terrifying things ever cuz last time they nearly killed us all, and will had to fucking live with them so he's gonna be triggered but Dustin's gonna make us do something again cuz for some reason it's always up to us to save this stupid town" he sighs "I don't wanna do this again"

I wrap him in my arms and hold him, how does no one know about this? Can't the government do anything for once? Or people could at least give Steve and the kids credit and help. It's not there they're just out here almost dying while people just go about their days "isn't there anyone else that can help? It shouldn't be your responsibility to deal with it"

"I know but if the government found out they wouldn't do anything they'd just make us hide it. I don't mind doing.. I know it's the right thing to do, I'm just terrified that this time we won't  all come out alive" he mumbles with his head in my shoulder

"We'll figure something out ok? You're not alone in this, we'll all help" I gently run my hands through his hair "don't think about it just yet, we can still have today without any drama..don't stress yourself out over something you can't do anything about, at least not yet" I say softly, trying to comfort him.

He nods "okay.." he takes a deep breath then sits up and looks at me "can I come to hellfire again tonight.. even just to sit there, I'd rather just be around you guys then be alone"

"Fuck today's Friday?" He nods "shit I completely forgot about hellfire, yes of course you can come but I need to go back to my place I haven't done this session yet, you can come and hang out as well if you want, I'll just have to be doing this session the whole time"

He nods "okay, I'll drive you" he gets up and takes my hand. I follow him out side "do you wanna stop and get some food first?"

"Sure" i reply as we get into his car. As he drives I glance over at him, he still look really nervous. I hold his hand "hey, everything's going to be ok, I promise"

He just nods and smiles softly at him "thank you for being here, I know it's not fair for you to be dragged into this so I don't expect you to want to have anything to do with it"

"Are you kidding? This is basically real like dungeons and dragons I've been training for this my whole life" I joke

He laughs softly "yeah, well I'm sure as long as you have a fire ball we'll be fine" he grins

"I'm so proud of you for knowing that's one of the characters spells" I smile "you're learning so fast" I tease

He rolls his eyes "oh shut up, what do you want to eat?" He asks as we pull up to the drive thru window.

"I'll just have a coffee" he nods and orders that as well ad his food then pays. We get out food and drive back to my place.

We go to my room, I immediately start planning tonight's session while Steve sits next to me either playing with stuff in my room or reading some player hand books.

Meant to be yours. Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now