Chapter 15- Zombie boy

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TW: homophobic slurs
Will POV

Mike takes my hand as we walk out of the hospital "How are we getting home? We can't drive and I didn't bring my bike" I ask

"I'm sure we can both fit on mine" he smiles and walks over to the bike rack. I smile a little and follow. Last week I told Mike I was gay, he said he knew then he told me he liked me. I sobbed for three hours when I got home purely because he didn't hate me.

He so sweet, and kind and adorable and it feels so surreal that he actually likes me too, I've had a crush on him for as long as I can remember. I love being around him so much.

We both get on his bike and make our way back to my place, it's almost an hour past my curfew, I just lost track of time but I know mum will we worried. I get off mikes bike "um do you wanna come in? You can sleep over if you want.. mum might make you sleep on the couch or on the floor though so you don't have to"

He smiles and gets off the bike as well "I can stay over, I don't mind sleeping on the floor" I smile and hold his hand as I walk inside

"will! Baby where have you been? are you ok? Karen said you were at the hospital what happened?" Mum asks, running over and hugging me.

"Sorry I'm so late, I'm really ok, we were just at the hospital for Eddie, one of mike and Dustin's friends" i reply, hugging her back

"Alright, try to remember to let me know if you'll be out next time yeah?" She asks flattening out my hair

"Yeah I will. Is it ok if Mike stays over tonight?" I ask hopefully

"Alright only because it's so late, I'll set up a mattress on the floor for you" she says and goes to my room to set up a mattress.

I smile and look at Mike "i wish she wasn't still so protective, it's been like 3 years and I'm still not allowed out after 9"

"She just doesn't want it to happen again, none of us do, it was horrible when you were gone and none of us want to loose you" he wraps his arms around me

"I know.. I just don't like people treating me like a little kid just I nearly died years ago, it's not that big of a deal" I put my head on his shoulder

"It is kinda a big deal.. you mean this world to all of us especially your mum, so sometimes she's a little over protective but it's cuz you're too important to loose, but if you don't like it just talk to her" he says softly

"Yeah maybe" I look up at him "let's go to my room" I take his hand and go to my room we're mum has just finished making up at bed "thanks mum" she nods and walks out.

I shut the door behind her and sit on my bed. Mike comes and sits next to me, I lean in and kiss him.

Monday morning

It's my first day at Hawkins high, I don't know how many people from our old school go there, I hope they don't remember me. But I'm excited to Join Hellfire, Eddie's still in hospital so I'll have to wait a bit before we actually have a session but Mike said he'll make me a shirt for me.

"Will you ready to go to go?" Jonathan says, opening my door, I nod and I pick up my bag and follow him out to the car "you nervous?"

"A little..But the others will be there so I'll be ok" I force a smile and look out the window

"Ok.. but. You need me I'll just be at home so call and I'll pick you up got it?"

"Yeah, thanks" he pulls  up outside the school, I grab my stuff and walk out, I look around and see Lucas talking to some people on the basketball team. I walk over to him "Lucas, where are Dustin and mike?" I ask

"Uh I think Mike's going away for a few days to see family, he only found out this morning, and Dustin's still at the hospital with Steve and Eddie" he replies. Great, well at least I still have Lucas

"What're you doing talking to this fag Sinclair" some blond guy says, laughing with the rest of them. I guess I don't have Lucas anymore

"Uh. Sorry I'll see you later will" he turns away, cutting me out of the circle. This is gonna be the worst day.

I walk into the school and look around for my locker, I bump into a few people who just mumble insults but nothing I'm not used to. I eventually find my lock and open it to put some stuff in it, that's always my favourite part of getting a new locker, I can organise it and decorate it however I want.

I put my books neatly on one of the shelves then put a photo on me and Mike on the inside of the door as well as a photo of me dustin mike and Lucas, I miss when we used to hang out all the time, everything was so much easier then.

While i'm doing this someone comes up me, it looks like Troy, the kid who used to bully us a few years ago, but he's wearing a hellfire shirt "so you're back zombie boy? California to big and scary for you?"

"Um.. no my mum just wanted to move back cuz we had more friends here" maybe he'll be a little nicer, if he's in hellfire that probably means he's not mean to Mike dustin and Lucas.. but zombie boy, I haven't heard that in so long and I don't miss it.

"Or did you just miss your little boyfriend too much" he laughs "if only you had actually died all those years ok, things might actually be ok in this town" he pushes past me and walks away

I slam shut my locker and quickly go to the bathroom, but when I get there it's full of people smoking, so instead I just go to my class and take a seat in the back corner and wait for this dreadful day to be over.

After school ends Jonathan picks me up, I don't say much to him other then ask him to take me to the hospital. The rest of the day was just as horrible; I sat alone at lunch, more people called me names, Mike said this school was so much nicer, I guess he's a lot more popular than me which means he can't be seen with me when he comes back.

When I get to the hospital I walk out and go straight to Eddie's room. I don't know him very well and he's pretty intense but Steve and Dustin are here so I'll be ok. I walk into their room, Dustin's asleep and Steve and Eddie are sharing the bed "hey, am I interrupting anything?" I ask quietly but Dustin wakes up anyway

they all look at me and smile "no come in" Steve says "how was school?"

"It was fine, Lucas just hung out with his jock friends so I guess I was more forced in class" i reply, sitting down

"Oh did you meet any of the hellfire guys? I told them to look out for you" Eddie says,

"Oh yeah I guess.. I ran into Troy but other then that I didn't see anyone" I shrug, looking at my feet

"It's so weird how much he changed though hey, like he's so nice now and a massive nerd, it's weird that he used to bully us" Dustin says smiling

"Yeah.. weird" so I guess Tory is nice to everyone but me, that's nice to know

"Will did something happen? Tell us if it did, we're not gonna judge" Steve says, that's what I like about Steve he's really good at reading emotions, however i didn't particularly wanna talk about this.

"No nothing happen.. just I didn't think Troy was that much nicer" i reply, Steve looks pissed

"What did he do? If he fucking hurt you he'll regret it"

"He didn't hurt me, he just said the same kinda stuff as he did in year 5, it's really no big deal" I force a smile, hoping to convince them

Steve and Eddie look at Dustin at the same time, looking like they expect an  explication "In year 5 Troy teased Will a lot about being gay, called him zombie boy a lot, a lot of general insults, pushed him a few times, he also made mike jump of a cliff while holding a knife to my throat.. so he wasn't great" Dustin explains.

They both look pissed "as soon as I get out of this hospital he's out of hellfire, he'll fucking pay for that" Eddie says

"You don't have to, really it's ok, I don't need to join hellfire  I can just stay away from him"

"Nah no way man, I don't want someone like that in my campaign" he says firmly, sitting up

I smile slightly "thanks.."

"I'll come to school with you tomorrow so you won't be alone" Dustin offers

"Thank you guys it means a lot"

Meant to be yours. Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now