Chapter 13- The waiting room

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Steve POV

Me and Dustin run out of the building and get in the car, Eddie will be a minute or two but after a few minutes the back entrance me and Dustin came through collapses and is on fire "shit go round to the other exit and meet him there" Dustin says to max who definitely shouldn't be driving my car.

We pull up near the front exit and I see Eddie laying in front of the building bleeding "Eddie!" I scream and run over followed by Mike and Dustin. "Eddie? What happened?" He looks disoriented and like he's about to pass out but he puts his hand on my face and smiles slightly then drops his hand back down. I hold his hand and and try to stop the bleeding with Mike and Dustin's help "you're gonna be ok, we'll Lucas is getting an ambulance and every to kings going to be ok" I say to him.

He kind of just nods and closes his eyes "Eddie? Eddie can you hear me??" Dustin eyes gently shaking him "Eddie!" He cries.

"He's still breathing.. just someone grab something to stop the bleeding!" I shout at the others, he has to be ok, he has to live. Max runs over and gives me a blanket, I left it there from mine and Eddie's date.

I tie it around his torso as tight as I can and keep pressure on it as I hear the ambulance arrive.  I hold Eddie's hand tight and kiss his head "please be ok.." I mumble.

The paramedics put him in the ambulance and drive away "everyone in the car we need to get to the hospital" I get in the driver seat and wait for all the kids to get in before driving to the hospital as fast as I can.

When we get there I run up to the front desk "we're hear you see Eddie Munson? Is he here? Is he ok?" I ask, with Dustin Lucas and Mike next to me.

The lady at the front desk looks at us "we'll let you know when you can see him, until then take a seat" she says before looking back at her computer.

We go sit down in the waiting room, it feels like we're waiting years. I hope he's ok.. I don't know how he got away from the demogorgan, but he clearly did it quickly. Those things eats pretty quickly and his wounds were bad but considering what he was attacked by I'm impressed.. I don't wanna jinx it though.

I don't even want to think about what would happen if he doesn't survive, just the thought makes me wanna throw up. The kids look pretty worried too, will and mike are cuddling in the corner, max is trying to cheer up Lucas and Dustin and El are just sitting in silence.

After a bit I notice a man come, I bit older probably around mid 40s, kinda looks like a mess, he goes to the front desk. I overheard him say Eddie's name then after a minute he sits down. I walk over to him "excuse me, Did you just say you're here to see Eddie Munson?"

"Yes I am, who are you? And why are you asking?" He asks, looking at me with great distaste.

"Steve Harrington, Eddie's..friend" I know Eddie's openly gay to people he knows but I still don't think it's safe to go around displaying to strangers that we're dating. "how do you know Eddie?"

"I'm his father" his dad? Thats not great. Eddie didn't tell me much about his dad cuz he hates him.. all I know if after his mum died it all went downhill so he moved in with his uncle.

"Oh.. right, well if you want I can just give you a call when he's up, you don't want to wait here" i reply, I have no intention of letting him know when Eddie's awake.

"No I'm happy to stay, I need to catch up with Eddie anyway" he replies, picking up a news paper from the seat next to him

"I really don't think he'll want to see you today, he might in a few weeks, I'll let you know you stopped by" I say hoping he'll take a hint and leave

"Listen young man, I will not be leaving here until I've seen my son you may be good friends but I'm his father and I could kick you out" he says sternly

I sigh and walk away and sit next to Dustin "when can we see Eddie?" He asks

"I don't know.. whenever he's out of surgery I guess" i reply and lean back against the chair "ugh this wasn't supposed to happen" I run my hands through my hair

We wait for awhile until a doctor walks through "Are you here for Eddie Munson?" He asks. Me and the kids and Eddie's dad all stand up "right well you can see him now, he's just woken up"

The doctor tells us his room. I run ahead before everyone, and run into the room and stand next to Eddie "Eddie, holy shit are you ok?"

"Hey.. I'm ok I think, I'm on a lot of drugs so I can't feel much so I guess I feel normal" he smiles softly and kisses my hand

I nod and hug him gently "I'm so sorry this happened, I should have stayed with you, you don't deserve any  of this.. also I'm really sorry I tried to get him to leave but he wouldn't.. your dad's here" I say softly

"Wait what? Why? How does he know I'm here" he immediately looks panicked

"I don't know they must have just looked for any family and found him, I don't know why he-" as im talking the others walk in and interrupt

"Eddie!" Dustin runs over and practically jumps on Eddie

"Shit Henderson I'm ok, relax" Eddie smiles and hugs him, Mike and Lucas come up behind him and hug Eddie as well, it's so sweet how much they like him. "Isn't it past you guys bedtime or somethin?" He asks

I laugh "it definitely is and your gonna get yelled at by Mrs Byers"

"Shit will I need to get you home" Mike says walking over to will "we'll see you tomorrow Eddie, hope you feel better" he takes wills hand and they walk out together

"Edward, it's been too long Son" Eddie's dad says, pushing past me dustin and Lucas. This is gonna be a mess

Meant to be yours. Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now