Chapter 21- boyfriends again

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Steve POV
3 days later

I should have said something before Eddie left at hellfire. maybe I could have convinced him not to leave.. maybe I could have convinced him to give me another chance.

Maybe I should call him.. I just wanna talk to him and hear his voice, this is driving me fucking insane, we've only been broke up a few days and I'm going crazy over the fact that I can't be with him right now.

Fuck it. I'm going after him. I don't care if he doesn't want to talk to me, I'm going to find him and tell him how much I love him and that I'll do whatever it takes to win him back

I get in my car and start the engine then drive to his trailer. When I get there and knock on the door, Mr Munson opens it "0h.. hey is Eddie here?" I ask

"No, I assumed he was staying with you, he hadn't been home in days" shit, what if he's hurt or lost or needs help, or bleeding out, or dead. Shit Fuck what It he's dead?!

"I haven't seen him either.. does he have any other family he might have gone to?" I ask nervously, Eddie doesn't have any other family

"I'm afraid not.. I'm getting worried, if you find him please tell him to come home" Wayne replies

"Yeah of course, thank you" I walk away and get back in my car, where the hell could he be? I start driving around, I go to all his friends places and he's not there. I'm starting to get really worried. I drove through streets and parks and after I don't even know how long I finally see his car.

I drive over and park near it then walk over and knock on the door. After a moment the side door opens and he looks at me, he looks a mess, his hair is everywhere, he has smudged eyeliner that blends into the bags under his eyes and it smells like like drugs "Eddie.. I've been looking for you everywhere.. why are you living in your car?"

"Cuz I have no where else to live, what're you doing here?" He says, getting out of the car

Fuck I didn't think through the fact that I actually have to say stuff "uh.. well I've been thinking.. about you a lot. And I'm so so so sorry about everything I said the other day, but I do love you, I seriously love you more then anything and I can't stand the thought of losing you, so you might still be mad at me, and maybe you don't wanna be with me every again and we'll I'd respect that but if there's even the smallest chance of you giving me another shot I'll keep fighting for you for as long as I need to cuz you're worth fighting for, cuz I love you and I need you.. So yeah that's all" he say, looking at him, I can't read his expression at all

After a moment of silence he just hugs me tightly and buries his head in my shoulder "I love you too.. I'm sorry I overreacted and yelled at you"

"I'm sorry I yelled too, I'm sorry I said anything in the first place, I just love you so much and I don't want to see you get hurt" i reply, holding him close

"I know.. I'll try to get better" he mumbled then looks at me, I smile softly

"Thank you... does this mean we're boyfriends again?" I ask

He laughs "yes we're boyfriends" he smiles

He grin "good. Now please let me take you home so you can shower"  I kiss his head

"Can we go to your place instead?" He asks, holding my hands

"Um I think Wayne wants you home.. he said he's worried about you" I reply, tucking his hair behind his ear "I don't think he's mad anymore, so maybe you could at least tell him you're ok?"

"I guess.. but what if he just sends me away again? What if he doesn't want me to live there anymore?"

"Well I then you can live with me; but i'm almost certain he does want you to live there" I kiss him "I'll drive right behind you and be there if you want me to when you talk to him"

He nods "ok.. thank you"

Meant to be yours. Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now