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I am a goodreads author of more the 24 books.  I am an artist, rapper and tattoo designer, as well as a woodbe tattoo artist.    I enjoy romance and horror.   Been living with the two genres for my who life.   I am a survivor, tough person and a creative. And the one thing I remember the most was reading with my father Stephen King's a stand which was a very good book it was something similar to what was going on in the world with covid right now but anyway was very interesting and I enjoyed the book soon enough I was able to read it on my own one I was able to learn reading in school that's when they started calling me a heathen because I ended up believing more into Goosebumps Are You Afraid of the Dark Stephen King and Clive Barker instead of actually the bible. I wanted to believe and ghosts I wanted to believe in everything else but something that was imaginary. I believed in everything from vampires to go to monsters as I was a kid. I was raised on horror and romance and that was how I was wired. I was also wired to listen to your doctor and your teacher and your parents at the time I didn't listen to the priest. Even when I was 7 years old I thought he was full of it and I didn't think he was really fluffing me very much he was in fact a bull crap. I'm sorry if you are religious and you believe in that kind of thing but that's just not my bag. And the school literally called me a heathen. For not believing in Jesus Christ or God or the devil. But I do believe in a Creator God and there is something out there that's the truth I believe that but I don't believe that it's in a book of any kind or any scriptures or any meditations I think it's this man made the devil man-made God it's in both of us. So I don't know why everyone's so up in arms about this but it's just not my bag religion organized religion I'm more ancient soul and old soul and I believe in the nature nature you cannot disprove at all I mean if you're a heartless bastard then you can actually say that a tree does not exist or the snow is imaginary or the sun doesn't shine. That is what an atheist is in my opinion a heartless son of a gun. That is what I think is a real Heathen because they've done nothing but wrong to me as well the atheists. I don't like talking about this particular subject but anyway I was mocked and bullied for the better part of my childhood and was more or less outcasted from school and this was before 9/11 before anything else happened that really ramped up the bullying. They didn't believe what I believed in and I didn't believe in what they believed and it was simple as that. I continue to read Goosebumps dead time stories are You Afraid of the Dark and still watch the shows. And I believed in the wholeheartedly to the point where I almost cried one day when I was a little kid because it was so realistic. It was the fact that I believed in ghosts and other things that were actually truly there in my opinion.
Am I a heathen yes because I am who I am and I am proud of who I am I that's what they labeled me and that's what they're going to deal with and more or less this case because that's who I am in the first place is a nature lover and nature worshiper I find you get blessings from nature fairies and other things that's just the way it is. It is proven I do have fairy energy and fairy DNA but that was not on my ancestry DNA but was detected by a psychic which was very interesting and he said my gift to you is a book on fairies I read that book cover to cover and I even told my mother you won't believe this but this is what it is I am a fairy I have fairy energy and then I remember going into the pub one day I was just going to put her around with my iPod Touch at the time and that's when I heard my mother say she's a fairy.  
I said I just have fairy energy and fairy DNA which is not detected by the traditional ancestry DNA tests or any DNA testing that matter. But I am very proud of the fact that I'm a big nerd. And that I like nature and crystals and other things that go along with it. That's when you have fairy your nerd basically....   in a good way.
And the person that I was with at the time that took me to the sidekick actually said well it is true you do believe in the Whimsical stuff and you do believe in Dungeons and Dragons and the Paranormal so it is expected of you that it would happen that you'd be very energy in your aura. Something I did not think about long time ago until I accidentally touched the psychics and trying trying to pay for a crystal. Other things that I believe in as well are numerology like angel numbers for example   4444.  And guardian angels that's the only thing me and my Catholic School in a way agree with is Guardian angels. But the weird Sticky Wicket with me is that not my guardian angels or not people but actual archangels one of them being Gabriel which is kind of hard to be telling you that but I'm not trying to start a cult or anything I'm just trying to say this is what I believe in. I have three archangels who are my guardian angels one of them Gabriel who keeps lighting up my room every time I mention him. And then there was Raphael and ureil.  
That I just figured out the other day when I was going around puttering on the internet I just said said they seem like they are exactly like my personality and that's what it is and I asked my mother and the next thing you know I found a clean pair of underwear in my drawer something that's very rare to find even if I do have clean underwear. Was this a sign yes because my mom gives me signs to puffing up my clothing into my face or other little pranks like that. I still would say to the Catholic School Board do you still think I'm a heathen I'm damn proud of it.

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