Amazonian and Himalayan

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I am captain as well as I'm also Himalayan and Central Asian chechnya is the place of the actual Amazons at one point before Christianity and Islam kind of ruined it for us women. I don't like the bad mouth religion on this but we had the rule of the roost. It was women first men second in the chechnya and the caucus mountain regions.   The Amazons came from Romania and spanned all the way through trans caucasia to Central Asia and Siberia where I have Arctic Siberian in me as well. That's why I believe in nature and stuff because of the fact that I was Central Asian and Himalayan not Himalayan but Amazonian as in the female ethnic group that was all female. I look up these things every time I find a new ethnic group in My DNA test I look up the safety and the Amazons and all these all-time people and the people from the Lake Buckeye and other stuff like that that are very interesting like in Siberian stuff in the Far East of Russia. These are what I'm created of this is what I'm made out of shamanism agonism wiconism was started in the North America region so I don't consider that my blood religion as it would be with paganism and shamanism. I wear the actual makeup from time to time that indicates that I am who I am. Like it or not that's what I wear sometimes and some people find it offensive some people find it interesting or they don't even bother mentioning it either way this is who I am. Yes I of the caucus mountains but in my Caucasian no I am a medley of different ethnicities. And different cultures and if you were to say this races because it's just the way it is there's different races of Asian I don't believe in that but there is Central Himalayan Southeast Western Asian. This is something that I believe that affects my life in a good way and I try to think about and be thankful about all the different ages and ethnicities that are in my blood. I wouldn't be as flexible and as strong and fit without these ethnicities. Especially the Amazonian Caucasian region where it was really strong women. I never spend a day in the gym that is no lie I actually was able to go about doing things like logging a big yield across a forest without any complaint I did the 100 m Dash to the mailbox and back without having to deal with any repercussions it's just the way I was built because of these ethnicities that I have. Most of these ethnicities come from my birth mother my father who was her rapist was just her white son of a b**** period excuse the term but he was just White where she was multi ethnic. As an multi-ethnic I mean she was a human rainbow.
Now at the time I was conceived the Chaska rain and Romania the place that was actually the birthplace of the Amazons was actually a place where women were being raped by government officials. And I happen to be a product of that something that I'm not very proud of but I have to accept. That's also why I want to go into the field of work that I want to do. So this kind of thing doesn't have to happen in North America. I want to protect young kids and protect women as  who I am and Amazon. Amazon's were Dominic they were no different from the Native Americans except they were all women contingent there's no co-ed the guys were kicked out after they were done. And it was just the girls that were left. And we fought the Greeks we fought to see things we fought everybody to get her Empire to the way it was to the altai mountains and Siberia.
And in the Amazonian area there is Russia and other parts of Eastern Europe. Practically I'm the whole Soviet Union if you would I'm sorry to be a fan so but that's basically what it is. Because of the Amazons they made their way through from Romania all the way the Kazakhstan East Turkestan to even as much as the Caucasus Mountains in Russia where there's a lot of strife going on and where women are being oppressed now. I don't think that should be the case I think it's the women that should be oppressing the man in the caucus mountains where it was our territory in the first place it wasn't the men's territory. We Rule The Roost first Peter that's why I decided to be pegging and shriminism so I can actually say that I am who I am an Amazon of the caucus mountains and Siberia. And of Eastern Europe. Now some people might say the Amazons were a mess they're not a myth or else I wouldn't be talking about this right now to you because they are real because I know for a fact they are real there have been evidence of them your Kazakhstan and Caucasus Mountains and Eastern Europe where they have found Amazon graveyards. Giving more proof that there are nations of women. That's why I am a very stubborn person in the first place in a very strong and flexible person as well as my Himalayan ancestry that's what makes me who I am as a personality as well is that I'm just stubborn and proud does pride come before a fall with me not usually but in some cases it does when I get a little hot headed. But that's just the caucus mountains talking when I get a little angry. They were angry and passionate people but they're very emotional too. I don't think we should treat the chechen as terrorists the chechnya are not the problem it's our view on normal folk that are no different than you or me which kind of drives me wild and not in a good way. That's why I'm in Amazon because the Caucasus Mountains the northern caucus mountains.

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