Alternative girl

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Alternative is defined as goth Punk or steampunk or even as much as industrial or emo.
It's not as dark as you think as I am goth as well. And I look to the light instead of the darkness that some people stereotype goths as.
What really ticked me off was this psychiatrist say that God's pong steampunk and even as much as emo people are more likely to shoot up schools and more likely to do stupid stuff and to kill themselves something that I don't believe in at all. As I said I may have gone through some tough times but I've also made it through and I'm a goth self-styled goth and that's what I am I'm alternative I do alternative makeup I do all kinds of different things that make me unique and different and that's what it is just being unique and different I don't think you should judge someone because of their damn look and say oh they're going to do something so horrible. I'm talking about what the Goths are which are people. I am more or less or alternative one of the two whatever you want to call it. Either way I don't like the stereotypes and what they have said about Marilyn Manson that he promotes violence I listen to Marilyn Manson he provides mental health instead of anything else because he's more of a advocate in his music he just have to listen more closely to the damn lyrics and maybe read between the lines. There's always a silver lining and everything but some people just don't see it that way and it's really aggravating they think either punks or Neo Nazis or whatever else but then they also think Imo's or suicidal I don't think so he can't judge someone by their look and say oh they're going to do something horrific. That's called stereotyping and I found the medical community so I can theatric community and the state area typical media has made my fellow Goths and Sammy Goths look like a bunch of s***. I'm not too happy about this and I'm sorry for using a swear word but I've been fighting this particular stereotype for quite some time as I'm also a mental health Advocate not just because I'm golf but because people with mental illness are just people who are alternative and thinking and more creative and more emotional that's about the size of it. I don't think we should be condemning someone because of their condition or the way they look because of certain stereotypes like schizophrenics are afraid of the FBI well I might find a schizophrenic that might like the FBI you never know so you got to be very careful about what you say about people because you never know you never judge a book by his cover. You look at me you assume I'm a thug or something that's menacing but if you got to know me you'd know that I'm a gentle soul and that I just dressed Darkly that's about the size of it and that's why I stand up for these things and for these subcultures that have been more or less marginalized by the medical community I don't like to say this but it's true Cincy Columbine shooting it's been said that God's and punks are nothing more than trouble and their music is s*** that isn't true I'm goth and I sing pop.
I go by the name when I sing Fidelity the Boucher the butcher and I know that sounds a little glow task as well the name the Boucher but that's beside the point I do sound very nice and I sound Angelic and I you wouldn't suggest that coming from a goth you need to suggest screaming and swearing but no instead I do pop music contemporary singing and that's about the size of it and I also do rap and other stuff stuff that isn't really in Vogue quote unquote in the Golf Community I don't know how many times I've been so embarrassed to see a  on Facebook when I say that I'm trying to say I'm golf but instead when they see the word rapper they start laughing like a bastard it drives me insane. I bet you two the one I would get the same reaction if I said I am starting to Sing Pop music and start going about a career in there as well as a career in the FBI somebody's going to laugh at me about that and say that I'm a mockery to the actual subculture but that's not true I'm trying to show other people and them as well that they don't have to be limited because of their way of looking. It's your lifestyle that actually is the content of your book and it's the way you decide to live your life and if you decide to live your life in a bad note no matter how you look you look like an idiot. I'm alternative and Sammy goth where I'm actually thinking about being somewhat more golf. I've been very interested in the golf culture and I've been very interested in trying to be looking dark and scary but not to the point where people are going to say wow you're going to go with an AK and shoot up a school that kind of s*** doesn't fly with me. Yes there have been a few bad apples in the golf community but there's actually been a lot of bad apples in the normal Community like Jeffrey Dahmer and stuff like that and Bobby whatever his name is who had 24 personalities and stuff those are the people you ought to watch out for they don't have tattoos or piercings so you better watch out for them. I'm just trying to live my life like other tattooed and pierced people trying to go about a life don't stereotype me as anything negative. And I've been stereotyped in a negative way all my life and it was annoying.

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