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I am a witch I believe in crystals and healing powers instead of the Demonic powers that some people consider witches to be. That's banshees not witches witches are trying to be healers similar to doctors or pharmacists but in the old fashioned way. I remember I used and still do read a lot of medical books or s t e m books as well because I am that way I'm a star witch and I believe in healing. This is more suited for my next chapter on this subject but anyway I believe that magic can go a long way and that magic is kindness it doesn't have to be in the form of a spell or a recipe it just has to be you being kind to someone else. A witch is someone who actually in my opinion believes in crystals and healing and helping other people and trying to deal with life on their own terms with nature. I've been a witch or a pagan for quite some time since 2012 That was supposed to be when the world was supposed to end but it didn't that was a part of a crap but instead I lost a grandmother and then the next thing you know I ended up deciding to go the nature route and the spiritual route instead and I found that I was more in tune with nature when thinking that people are safer in a safer place when they go to that safe place instead they don't have to suffer instead they can survive and live in a spirit Realm. That's when I became nature-based was April 20th 2012 when my grandmother passed away it was the only way to heal myself at one point. And I was only allowed to cry so much because of my tear dogs I don't have any tear duct issues I just don't want to screw up my eyes so I said I'm going to do something about this and I was watching Xena Warrior the princess and I saw my ancestors so Amazon's and decided I was going to go through the route and try to help myself with my emotional rut which was grief and it was a lot easier when my mother decided to pass away when I was able to get out of that rut a lot quicker because of Nature and spirituality. Will the pain still be there yes I still wish I can talk to my mother on the phone and stuff but that's beside the point. She was very supportive of everything she even believed me when I said that I saw sorry I run ahead and believe you me I have seen siren head. And that is the honest truth the whole truth and nothing but and that's what I say. And I don't think that you should antagonize people who've seen quote urban mass instead you should support them and she supported me with everything because of her that I might be what I want to be in the first place when I entered grade 8 and now I'm going to be who I am to begin with. What I was put on this planet and why I was allowed to live instead of die. So that's what I just have to say about that situation. My people even the slavics believed in nature at one point before the abrahamic religions came along and kind of screwed that up I don't want to say somebody screwed somebody else up but that's beside the point I don't like these wars with religion and DNA where oh my religions better than yours or your DNA sucks want to hurt you kind of thing this thing with the Ukraine drives me insane and it's sorry for the rhyme but it does drive me cuckoo and Putin saying that he was going to blow up half the planet with a new good stuff and then we got the North Koreans and stuff not fun. I can tell that I was a Soviet Union was coming back to life and was trying to regain power something that is happening now something that I wish I could have told people but I was just a snot nose kid at the time. Now I'm a witch and I can tell them I told you so I told you so I knew this was going to happen.

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