Not satanic punk!

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Lilith is by far one of my favorite Goddesses 💘💘

A great favourite among feminist goddess people, Lilith has her origins in Ancient Hebrew mythology. In apocryphal tales of creation, Lilith was Adam's first wife, who left him because she refused to lie beneath him on the act of sexual intercourse. For contemporary feminists, Lilith is a symbol of liberation and independence.

She guards over women in childbirth, and is a great friend to women who suffer injustice at the hands of men. She is a moon deity, though she represents the dark side of the moon. She rules over women's monthly bleeding, and is seen as a guardian if women's mysteries.

For some, Lilith is an avenger, as well as a defender of women and children. Her false relegation to the annals of Jewish demonography, as a demon who steals newborn children, also make her a good goodness to appeal to when combating defaming toon and misrepresentation. Lilith's symbol is the disk of the moon. One half white, one half black.

Prayer to Hecate

Hecate Goddess of the blinding light,
Goddess of illumination, show me the way.

Hecate Goddess of the crossroads,
Goddess of protection, bless my path.

Hecate Goddess of the baying hounds,
Goddess of fear, allow me to conquer.

Hecate, Goddess of the sky, earth and sea.
Goddess of the three realms, teach me about nature.

Hecate Goddess of the three heads,
Goddess of the arts, grant me the power of sight.

Hecate Goddess of menstral blood,
Goddess of women, bestow upon me, your power.

Hecate Goddess of women's magic,
Goddess of the craft, lend power to my workings.

Hecate Goddess of ancient witches,
Goddess of the old ways, help me keep the mysteries.

Hecate Goddess of blazing torches,
Goddess of the lost, deliver me to safety.

Hecate Goddess of Circe and Medea,
Goddess of sisterhood, be a mother and sister to me.

Hecate Goddess of night and darkness,
Goddess of the midnight sky, wrap me in secrecy.

Hecate Goddess of the black butterfly,
Goddess of change, transform me.

Hecate Goddess of the shimmering keys,
Goddess of knowledge, open the world to me.


Goddess Lilith

“Lilith’s themes are freedom, courage, playfulness, passion, pleasure and sexuality.  Her symbol is an apple.  In Hebrew legends, Lilith is a dangerously beautiful Goddess who refused to subordinate Herself to Adam, feeling She was created as an equal. This makes Lilith perhaps the first true liberationist, and She resolves to make modern life similarly equal for all people. She also boldly instructs us to stand up for what we believe in, unbridled and courageous, no matter the cost. According to legend, Lilith was turned away from paradise for Her ‘crime’, and She has been depicted in art as a demon.

Leap Year occurs every four years to keep our calendar in sync with the solar year. Customarily, women break loose today, asking men out or proposing marriage. In today’s liberal society, actions like this aren’t overly surprising. Nonetheless, Lilith charges us with the duty of ever seeking after equality, not just for women but for all of earth’s people. If there’s someone you’ve wronged with presupposition or prejudice, make amends today.

To internalize Lilith’s fairness, bravery, or exuberant lustiness, eat an apple today. Quite literally take a bite out of life, and enjoy some daring activity to its fullest without fear or guilt.

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