Ghost are f**king real

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Atheist get out because I'm going to tell you this right now is that ghosts are real they're real and they know they are there and we know they're there we just don't want to accept the fact that ghosts exist. When I had to go to the police station to address my brother's actions I ended up finding out that my mother was with me all this time helping me find my path in life which was to put idiots away for life. And that's what I wanted to do for a living when I was 14 years old. The next thing you know I want to take a shower that night and I was getting my clothing for the next day and they pooped up in my face. As if she knew I was going to do the right thing in life and I found this very interesting and I wanted to do something about this the first song that I sang a pop song was dedicated to her which was called a girl wasn't about her it was about me and how she tried to help me. There is a lot of things that she's done but this is the big one when I went to the police station and I found out why I was actually put on this planet and was put up for adoption not because someone didn't want me or couldn't have me but because I was needed somewhere else instead of an Amazonian territory AKA Romania and Eastern Europe and caucus mountains. I was to use my physical attributes that were given from my birth mother and birth father to help Society instead of exercise. That's why I believe that these things are really ghosts are real they're there you can actually feel their energy when they are needed you can actually feel them and you can actually know they're there when they mess around with your stuff playfully in the pranksters and stuff. But they're not visible but they are sometimes around. I just have to look and believe hard enough and then you'll find the ghost.
When I'm in my room I find that I am seeing my mother constantly at the corner of my eye or the intercompo of my eye and I see her all the time is doesn't creep me out it just shows that she's still there I've seen her many times sometimes I thought I was hallucinating but sometimes I knew it was just her because I recognize the face. She recognizes me by my tattoos so that's why she was able to find me so quickly. She's the only relative I would call a family member. As far as ghosts are concerned like her they're around you just have to look hard enough and you'll find them you don't have to be an atheist and say no they don't exist simply you just have to be looking for them and they'll find you.

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