Part: 2

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"We're going to start with the Avengers" said Stephen

The Other: (V.O) "the Tesseract has awakened. it is on a little world. A little human world, they would wield it's power"

"Earth is not little" said Hermione "no shit" said Lantana with a deadpan tone.

Lily and James frowned as their daughter didn't sit with them.

The Other hands Loki a scepter with a blue gem

The Other: (V.O) "But our ally know it's workings, as they never will, he is ready to lead, our force our chitauri will follow"

Shows hundreds of Chitauri.

Everyone (minus the Avengers) gasps and screams in horror.

The Other: (V.O) "The world will be his and what can the humans do but burn?"

"Burn?" asked Luna in her normal calm tone.

Lantana just shrugged.

We cut to a Birdseye view of a SHIELD base as a helicopter flies over and an agent speaks on a PA. The helicopter landed and out stepped agent Maria Hill, followed by SHIELD director Nick Fury, they walk over to agent Phil Coulson.

The Avengers share sad looks, Clint and Lantana share a look, which doesn't get passed the Russians.

Nick Fury: "How bad is it?"

Phil Coulson: "That's just it sir, we don't know"

"How can you not know?" scoffed Hermione.

The group walks into the facility.

Phil Coulson: "Dr selvig read an energy surge about four hours ago"

"Huh?" asked Lilly, Lantana was just about done and glared at Stephen who just shrugged

Nick Fury: "NASA didn't authorize him to go into the test phase"

"What's NASA?" asked Luna.

"An American space agency who sent man to the moon" said Tony in the simplest terms possible.

Luna nodded.

Phil Coulson: "he wasn't testing it, he wasn't even in the room, spontaneous event"

Maria Hill: "it turned itself on?"

Nick Fury: "what are the energy levels now?"

Phil Coulson: "Climbing. When selvig couldn't shut it down we ordered an evac"

Nick Fury: "how long till everyone is out?"

Phil Coulson: "campus should be clear in the next half hour"

Nick Fury: "do better"

"Do better?" screeched Lilly.

"They're doing their best" said James

"shut up, Mrs. Potter, we had no idea what were dealing with and if they didn't get people out they would have died, you have no idea about the real world because all you are is a witch" Lantana snapped and sat back down.

Lily looked offended "I do know about the real world, we're in it" she said, Lantana facepalmed and looked ready to kill.

Lantana decided to walk through the doors and calm down, Clint followed he knew Natasha never normally lost control like that not unless something was wrong or she was pregnant.

"Lan?" Clint asked, Lantana looked up slightly.

"Hey, i can't deal with her, she thinks they are above everyone else, they all do" she said, Clint knows Lantana better than that he looked at her in the eye.

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