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a.n i like pierce so i am making him good and sitwell will take his place, in the hydra side of things and hawley is also good because i like her also there will be a sence with the winter soldier and the winter widow, to replace the sence with steve and his neighbour, if you have seen the movies you'll what is in the sences and what isn't.

 steve arrived at the smithstoian museum, he was in the captain america exhibit, after visiting that and peggy, he bumped into sam and talked for a bit, and fury was in his office and denied entry to his computor, by the world security council, alexander pierce is holding a virtual meeting with the world security council, "if nick fury thinks he can get his costumed thugs and strike commandos to mop up his mess he is sorly mistaken, this faliuer is unacceptable" said singh "well considering this attack took one mile from my soverign waters, it's a bit more than that, i call for an immident hearing" said yen "good lord gentleman, steve roger and lantana romanoff, saved the hostages, under the order of nick fury, isn't that what you wanted? and no-one died" said hawley "that may be pamela, but we don't need hearings we need action it is the councils duty to over see shield" said Rockwell pamela hawley rolled her eyes "this breach, raises serious questions" said Malick "like how the hell did a french pirate manage to hijack a covert shield ship in broad daylight" singh "if i may, he is Algerian i can draw a map if you like" said pierce "i appricate your wit pierce but this council takes international piracy very seriously" singh said "you do? well i don't i care about the whole fleet not one boat and if you lot are going to do stupid stuff and i'm sure pamela would agree with me on this we need someone to over see us" said pierce "pehaps pierce is correct" said pamela "now now pamela and pierce nobody is suggesting..." pierce's assistante came in and whispered something to him "sorry lady and gentelman, you'll have to excuse me" alexander hung up and met with fury "i work forty floors away and it takes a hijack for you to come and visit"' "a nuclear war would do it too" referring to the time most world securtity council members almost nuked manhatten they shake hands "busy in there?" "nothing some earmarks can't fix" "i'm here to ask a favour, i want you to call for a vote to delay project insight" "nick thats not a favour, thats a subcommite hearing, a long one" "then we'll both be damn glad if those helicarriers aren't in the air" alexander hesitates "fine but you gotta get iron man to stop by my neices birthday party" fury shakes his hand "thank you sir" "not a flyby, he got to mingle" alexander then turns and leaves. "activatning communication encryption protocols" said fury's car "open secure line zero-four-zero-five" "this is hill" "i need you hear in D.C deep shadow cover" "give me four hours" "you have three" fury stops at a red traffic light he looks over at the car next to him and the police officers looked at him in suspision "wanna see my lease?" fury drives off and then is surronded by police cars and gets a fracture "fracture detected" the car said

peggy was shocked a car talking, dottie was more focused on her sisters student {a.n dottie and peggy appear in this} fury is sitting there doing nothing no emotion "is this like a day to day thing to you guys?" asked lily, the three shield agents nodded and the avengers nodded as did sam, bucky and isabelle "jeez" said james "you'd be safer with us" said remus, lantana and her sister glared at him and the mauders, she and isabelle knew it was a sutble message for them to stay in the wizarding world. Which they would never do.

 "recommended anesthetic injection" fury injects himself and a swat team truck pulls up " D.C metro police show no dispatches in the area" "get me outta here" "propulsion system off line" "then reboot godamit" the armor on the car becomes weaker and the window intergrty is failing. "window intergty compromised" "you think? how long till propulsion" "calulating" the mecinares use a battering ram on the window "window ingrity at thirty one percent deploying counetermeasuers" "hold that order" the battering ram is smashed against the car window again "window integrity at 19 percent offensive meassuers advised" "wait" the battering ram is smashed against the car window again "window intergrity at one percent" "now" a minigun appears in the car and fury shoots back "propulsion systems online" "full acceleration now" the car drove off and fury took over driving he couldn't fly, he could at least try to contact hill

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