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the winter widow walked the halls of the hydra base that was hidden within shield, she walked to a room, her room and grabbed a bracelet and the winter soldier came in "where did come from?" "someone from my past as you well know i can't remeber what she looks like, she would have the same one" the sence changes to lantana walking into her apartment clint not far behind "you kept it i know you did, you stopped wearing it in 2010," subltly referring to their wedding, when clint bought her a specialy made bracelet, that never comes off she never takes the bracelet off, with the black widow symbol encased in a black bottom and a clear top " i know i did" "where did you put it?" "the farmhouse" lantana grabbed her phone "dead dammit" clint hands her his, without unlocking it "gimme yours" he walked to lantana's room without telling her and placed it on charge "laura hello, i need you to do something for me" "what is it lan?" "go upstairs to clint's room, and go to the third draw down, and is there a box in there?" "yes, hang there are two, one has their wedding bands in" "try the navy blue one" "is it a bracelet?" "yes" "i'll express mail it" "thank you" "you're welcome" and lantana and laura hung up

people looked at lantana, "how the hell does she know what number draw it is and what colour the box is?" asked draco, "i have been over there before" said lantana "is it bad that i find it creepy that, you know exactly what draw, what room and what coloured box it is? and that you know his password and that he can just casually walk into your room without asking you?" asked hermione, the avengers and the three shield agents shared a small knowing smile, except sam and bucky who had no-idea what was going on "eh he knows my password and i casually walk into his room without asking" said lantana, "who owns the wedding bands?" "clint, his wife died in 2010" said lantana and tony lying, the wedding bands were actually lantana and clint's the only reason laura said there wedding bands was just in case someone who didn't know was at the apartment.

 "getting pretty late" "by the time i get to the farm house, it will be 11 pm and i will probably be asleep by then" lantana looks down "lan" lantana didn't respond "tana" "there coming back, the nightmares, the red room, all of it" "how long ago?" "since you went to Iowa" "that was nearly a year ago why didn't you tell me" lantana looked down again, she was silently crying, clint took her hand and kissed her forehead "i didn't know how" "you didn't want to ask for help" lantana nodded her head, "why?" "you'd gone home" "don't give me that bullshit lantana, the farmhouse is your home to you know that" "besides i was still salty about the loki thing" clint and lantana laugh, it was an inside joke of theirs the winter widow and soldier, went to sitwells house "want some milk" neither answer, sitwell grabs a glass for himself "our timetable has moved, our window is limited two targets, kill 'em" the winter soldier and the winter widow nods "oh i am sorry sitwell i forgot my...." she sees the winter soldier and the winter widow, "oh Retna i wish you knocked" the winter widow gets up and shoots her dead, the next day lantana and steve are at an army base, "this building is in the wrong place" "steve, you know this place?" "army training" "this building, nothing" steve opens it with his shield and they see an entry way and they go into it, they see an old shield logo "this is shield?" "maybe where it started" they see three portriates, of peggy carter, howard stark, col. phillips "there is starks father" "howard" "who's the girl?" steve doesn't answer instead he leaves and volia in a secret hydra base lantana follows him in, "iniates system?" "y-e-s spells yes, lets play a game shall we?" the computer lights up and zola's voice is heard "Rogers steven, born 1918, Romanoff lantana, ivanna born 1992" "it is some kind of recording" "i am not a recoding fräulien, i may not be the man i was when the captain took me prisoner in 1945, but i am" and old photo of zola appears "do you know this thing?" "armin zola was a German scientist, who worked for red skull, he's been dead for years "first correction i'm swiss" "oh whatever" "second look around you, i have never been more alive, in 1972 i recived a terminal diagnoses, science could save my mind not my body, you are standing on my brain" lantana stood in silence and then she spoke "ew" steve looked at her "that is an image i will never get outta my head ever" "care to explain" "he said we are standing on his brain" "you betrayed your sister" said zola lantana looked at him "why are we talking about my sister?" "i helped set up the program in 1993" "my sister was about 3 depending when you set it up" "we scanned you and your sister and found that you were the best in the red room, so we combined...." lantana's calm demmner broke she punched a screen breaking it and several others, at the same time 

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