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Loki is in an underground lab and watches as people work and is then thrown into another world the other spoke "the chitauri grow restless" "let them goad themselves. I will lead them into glorious battle" "Battle? against the meager might of Earth?" "glorious not lengthy if your force is as formidable as you claim" said loki. The other spoke "you question us? you question him? he who put the scepter in your hands, who gave you ancient knowledge when you were cast out defeated" "i was a king, the rightful king of Asgard, betrayed" "your ambition is little, full of childish need. We look beyond the Earth to greater worlds the tesseract will unveil" "you don't have the tesseract yet" the other lunges at loki hissing "i don't threaten, but until i open the doors your force is mine to command you are but words" said loki 'you will have your war Asgardian but if you fail and the tesseract is kept from us there is no realm, no world where he cannot find you, you think you know pain he will make you long for something as sweet as pain"

"ok then" said Edwin

loki taken back to reality and he flinches and is mad very mad, back on the helicarrier steve had just given fury ten dollars and fury accepts and shakes banner's hand "dr thank you for coming" "thanks for asking nicely" "all engines operating. SHIELD emergency protocol one nine three point six in effect" said maria, fury nodded curtly "so um how long am i staying?" "once we get our hands on the tesseract your in the wind" said fury "well where are you with that" "were sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet cell phones..." coulson keeps talking as lantana walks over to a computer that is doing barton's face trace "...laptop's if it's connected to satellite it is eyes and years for us" "that's still not gonna find them in time" said lantana, "you have to narrow your field. How many Spectrometers do you have?" asked banner "how many do you need?" asked fury "call every lab you know tell them to put the Spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays. I'll rough out a tracking algorithm. At least we could rule out a few places, do you have somewhere for me to work?" asked banner "agent romanoff lantana looked up, would you show doctor banner to his laboratory please" "your gonna love it doc we got all the toys" said lantana, lantana and banner left and steve went to look around, fury walked up to his wife, "hill did you tell the council barton's been compromised?" asked fury professionally "was that not procedure?" asked maria, fury walks off the bridge and onto the air deck where he looks out the window "did you tell them who exactly is on your response team?" she asked, fury looked over his shoulder "dosen't appear that i have to" said fury.

In Loki's underground lab, selvig is working on the machine "put it over there {to barton} where exactly do you find all these people?" "shield has no shortage of enemies doctor, {barton showed him something on the iPad through the glass} is this the stuff you need?" "yeah Iridium. It's found in meteorites it forms anti-protons. It's very hard to get a hold of" said selvig "especially if shield knows you need it" said barton "well i didn't know" said selvig, loki walks in "Hey, This is wonderful. The Tesseract has shown me so much, it's more than knowledge it is truth" "yes it...ah touches everyone differently, what did it show you agent barton?" "my next target" "stick in the mud. He's got no soul no wonder you chose this tomb to work in" said selvig laughing 

people raised eyebrows at clint, "don't ask" snapped lantana, "just watch" said clint 

"well, the Radisson doesn't have three levels of lead lined flooring between SHIELD and the cube" snapped clint, selvig walks back to his job "i can see why fury chose you to guard it" said loki "your gonna have to contend with him sir. as long as he is in the air i can't pin him down and he'll be putting together a team" "are they a threat?" "to each other more likely, but if fury can give them a push in the right direction and he might, they might throw some noise our way" "you admire fury" "he's got a clear line of site" "is that why you failed to kill him?" "might be. I was disoriented and i'm not my best with a gun"

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