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A hotel in Russia broken down, a train goes past and we see someone tied to a chair, they then get slapped red hair falling on their face, the women grunts and tilts her head back causing her hair to fall off her face 

General Luchkov: (Russian) "this is not how i wanted this evening to go"

"why are you tied to a chair?" asked Hermione, lantana shrugged

"i know how you wanted this evening to go believe me this is better" lantana said in russian "who are you working for Lermentov? yes?" asked the general, as one of his henchmen tipped the chair, natasha looked afraid and they tipped her back into a normal sitting position "does he think we have to go through him to move our cargo?" "i thought general solohob was in charge of the export business" "Solohob a bagman a front your outdated information betrays you. The famous black widow and it turns out she is just another pretty face" said the man in russian "you think i am pretty?" asked lantana

clint clicked his fingers as if he worked something out everyone looked at him "the man thinks he is in control and so he let his guard down spilling everything to Tana" said clint, everyone nodded

when one of the henchman grabs her mouth and forces it open whilst the russian general is talking "tell Lermentov we don't need him to move our tanks, tell him he is out... well you may have to write {the general picked up pliers and showed them to her} it down" when a phone rang "it is for her" said the second henchman "you listen here"

COULSON {VO}: your at 1-14 silensky plaza, 3rd floor. We have an f-22 exactly 8 miles out, put the women on the phone or i will blow up the block before you can even make it to the lobby

the general place the phone at lantana's ear who holds it in place with her shoulder

COULSON {VO}: we need you to come in

LANTANA {INTO PHONE}: are you kidding me i am working

"what kinda work is that?" asked molly "my work" said lantana

COULSON {VO}: this takes precedence

LANTANA: i'm in the middle of an interrogation this moron is giving me everything

the general said "i don't give everything" lantana shot him a look as if to say seriously

COULSON {VO}: lantana

LANTANA: look you can't pull me outta this right now

COULSON {VO}: lantana...Clint's been compromised

lantana froze and thought for a minute

LANTANA: let me put you on hold

lantana gave the general a look and he took the phone lantana then kicked him and the headbutted him knocking him

lantana defeated the rest of the henchman and destroyed the chair in the process and she picked up the phone and her heels "where is clint now" "we don't know" "but he is alive" "we think so" coulson looks at a fight scene in budapest "we'll brief you on everything when you get back" coulson took a folder and walked down some stairs "you get to talk to the big guy" "coulson {lantana is walking} you know stark trusts me about as far as he can throw me" "oh i got stark you get the big guy" lantana stopped dead "oh shit"

"sorry bruce" said lantana, "it is ok you were doing your job" said bruce, everyone minus the clint looked confused. clint smiled knowing how confused they were and lantana smirked "i have one question was the little girl a spy?" "i paid her" said lantana, smirking, "well that clears that up and that explains the money" said bruce

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