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loki walks and his Asgardian armor matirilies on him as he looks out into the chaos he has caused, thor comes up to him, thor lands on the lower platform "loki turn off the tesseract or i'll destroy it" "you can't there is no stopping it, there is only the war" said lok, "so be it" said thor, civillians are running and screaming the police are there trying to work out what the hell is going on, a quinjet flies towards stark towers "tony we're...on a three heading north east" said lantana "what did you stop for drive thru swing that park, i'm gonna lay 'em out for you, iron man flies past chituri and lead them to lantana and clint and the cap, going past stark tower in the process where thor and loki are fighting, lantana  and barton are piloting the plane, they smile at each other and release the gun they have on the quinjet, they begin shooting, they fly through the smoke and towards stark tower "sir we have more incoming" said jarvis "fine, lets keep them occupided" he takes a sharp turn causing some of them to crash, thor smashes loki's head into glass on the catwalk of stark towers and they keep fighting "lan" said barton "i see 'em" replied lantana, loki sees the jet and he throws thor to the floor and then blasts the quinjet engine, the quinjet falls and thor and loki are fighting, lantana and barton hold on as does the captain, when they land somewhat, they open the ramp, lantana and barton remove the headsets and follow the cap "we gotta get back up there" said the cap, they look up at stark tower, there is a big levaitian, more chituari are coming, the chituari begin shooting civililans, "stark are you seeing this?" asked steve over the comm, "seeing, still working on believing, anyone seen banner?" "banner?" asked steve "just keep me posted" tony flies past the leviatin, "jarvis find me a soft spot" thor pinned loki down and gestured to new york, 'look at this madness" "it is too late to stop it now" "we can together" said thor, loki pauses and then grabs a knife and stabs thor "sentiment" thor picks loki up and drops him again, he rolls off the edge, onto a chiturai aircraft, on the streets lantana and clint were crouched behind a taxi, the cap runs over "we got civillians trapped" said clint to the captain, loki flies over the top of them, "loki" said steve, a Japanese family run after almost being shot. Loki and his troops come to a busy street where two bobbies are trying to work out what to do, lantana stands and fires her guns at on coming chiturai "we got this go" she said to the captain "you think you can hold 'em off" "captain it would be my geunaine pleasure" said clint and he fired an arrow which seperated into to two other arrows killing three chitauari, the captain leaves the two ex-assassins to fight, barton helps people off the bus whilst lantana shoots at the chituari, barton goes to help lantana, "this is just like budapest all over again" "you and i remember budapest very differently lan" said clint

 "1: what happened in budapest, 2: what year was budapest?" asked james "1: we don't talk about budapest, 2: 2008" everyone was curous about budapest.

the cap runs through the street jumping over cars and he then lands on one two bobbies are talking "it's gonna be an hour before they scramble the national guard" "national guard?" repeated the seargent "does the army know what's happing here?" "do we?" the cap jumps onto another car and talks to the two bobbies "you need men in these bulidings there are people inside and they can be running into the line of fire, you take them to the basement or through the subway, you keep them off the streets, you need to set up a perimiter as far back as 39th street" "why should we listen to you" asked the seargent, the cap killed a chituari and the bobbie spoke to his fellow bobbies, "i need men in those buildings, lead the people down and away from the streets, {he spoke into his radio} i need a pirmieter as far back as 39th street" tony is flying through the streets and fires at a leviatian "it noticed me.....yay" he said sarcasm dripping in his tone and he flies off,

lantana and clint are fighting, clint trips one with his bow and then stabs it, lantana uses her widow bite on one of the chituari, she picks up it's weapon and uses it to fight off the others, one tries to slice her head off.

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