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it is now nighttime and bruce and tony are working, scanning the scepter to see if they could find the tesseract when they heard a scream, a blood curdling scream, tony, bruce, thor, fury, and coulson went to investigate, they saw maria at the door "what is going on?" whispered tony, maria shrugged and walked over to coulson and fury, the others eavesdropped "we need to find him, she is having nightmares again" coulson nodded and went to wake up the face tracing agents, everyone else went to bed.

"who screamed?" asked Astoria Greengrass "we never found out" said tony lying through his teeth much to Lantana's happiness {A.N I KNOW THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN BUT IT IS A REACT FANFIC}

the next morning tony and bruce kept working "the gamma readings are defiantly consistent with Selvig's reports on the tesseract but it is going to take weeks to process" tony was on the other side of the lab "if we bypass their mainframe and direct route to the homer cluster we can clock this at around 600 teraflops" said tony 

"translation?" asked Draco "if we let the science bros translate you will be even more lost and we can't translate because we have no idea what they are saying" said lantana shrugging much to the golden trio's disappointment she had answered the git and not them

"all i packed was a toothbrush" said bruce, tony looked away from his computer and walked to bruce "you know you should come by stark towers sometime ten floors up all R&D it is candy land"

"lollies" grumbled peggy "no candy" said howard "lollies howard" snapped peggy "both" said tony and maria before they could argue more "miss carter is correct" whispered Edwin Jarvis to Tony and Maria "your both British, of course you think she is correct" snapped maria to Jarvis and they all watched the screen

tony kept walking towards bruce "thanks but last time i was in New York i kinda broke Harlem" said bruce "well i promise a stress-free enviroment no surprises no tension" and then tony electrocuted bruce "ow" he said and looked at tony confused and that confusion only became worse when tony stared into his eyes "are you hoping they change colour stark" snapped a womens voice, lantana "hey" he said sheepishly "are you nuts?" "Jury's out you really got a lid on it don't you?" he asked bruce, steve was walking and went to find out what phase 2 is and so he did he went into a store room and jumped and climbed and didn't get caught "is everything a joke to you?" she was pissed at this point "funny things are miss romanoff" said tony "theartning the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny, no offense doc" said lantana bruce chuckled a little "it is alright i wouldn't have come aboard if i couldn't handle pointy things" tony walked to a bag and opened it, and began to eat the contents "you gotta focus on the problem stark" said lantana "do you think i'm not? why did fury call us in? why now? why not before? what isn't he telling us? i can't do the eqaution unless i have all the variables and last question why did you scream? what do you have nightmares about miss romanoff?" asked tony, lantana avodied the question "you know fury is hiding something" "well yes he is a spy he is "the" spy his secret have secrets and your not even paying attention are you?" "nope and yes his secrets have secrets, my secrets have secrets, clint's secrets have secrets, we have secrets it is our job" snapped lantana bruce realised something 

"it was you screaming" said Daphne "but you seem so cold and angry all the time and why did agent hill say "we need to find him, she is having nightmares again" tell us please" she begged lantana shook her head and so did clint

"a warm light for all man kind to share" lantana and tony snapped their heads towards bruce "doctor banner?" asked lantana "uh i just want to finish my work here" he said "what have you worked out?" asked lantana again "a warm light for all man kind to share, Loki's jab at fury" "yeah i heard it" said lantana "i think {tony offeared blueberries to bruce who took some} that was meant for you" he said to tony, lantana caught on "even if clint didn't tell loki where the tower was it was still all over the news" "it's powered by an arc reactor it is self sustaining energy system that building will run itself for what a year?" asked banner "it's just a protoype i'm kinda the only man with sustainble energy right now that is what he is getting at" said tony "so why didn't shield bring him in on the tesseract project? what are they doing energy business in the first place" asked bruce "i should probably look into that once my decryption program finishes breaking into shield's secure files" 

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