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the helicarrier flies through the clouds and the dark sky in silence, loki is escorted to a cell by guards, they walk past Banner's lab loki smiles when he sees the doctor who removes his glasses and rubs his temple, the cage loki is in is big and round "in case it's unclear, if you try to escape, you so much as scratch that glass" fury pushes a button and the floor opens up and the wind screams "30 thousand feet straight down in a steel trap get how that works? ant {fury gestured to the cage} boot {he gestured to the control panel}" "it's an impressive cage not built i think for me" said loki "no built for something a lot stronger than you" "oh I've heard" said loki looking at the camera, on the bridge meanwhile, lantana is watching it as she played with arrow necklace, she looks at dr banner who smirks at her, she smiled sheepishly "a mindless beast who plays he's still a man" said loki, thor listens they all do "how desperate are you that you call on such lost creatures to defend you?" "how desperate am i?" aske fury who moves toward the cage "you threaten my world with war, you still a force you can't control and to top it all off you took over the minds of the two sharpest men i know and turned them into you're own flying monkeys, you have made me very desperate, my best assassin is missing and his partner in case you didn't know will go to any length to get him back,  she will make sure you won't be so glad that you did" said fury "flying monkeys? i don't understand" said thor after hearing CCTV footage, "assassin?" asked bruce, natasha waved him off "flying monkeys?" asked thor "it is a human thing, the wizard of OZ it is a film 1939" said lantana "ohh it burns you to have come so close to have the tesseract to have power, unlimited power and for what? a warm light for man kind to share?" he looks back at the camera and then fury "and then be reminded what real power is" "well let me know if "real power" wants a magazine or something" said fury walking off "he really grows on you doesn't he" said banner after a little bit of silence, lantana raised an eyebrow but none the less listened "loki is gonna drag this out what is his play thor" "he has an army called the chitauri they are not of Asgard or any world known he means to lead them against you in return i think for the tesseract" "an army from outer space?" asked steve "so he is building another portal, that is what he needs Erik selvig for" said banner "selvig?" "he's an astrophysicist" said banner "he is a friend" said thor "loki has him under some kind of along with one of ours, as you would've already heard" said lantana the men looked in lantana's direction and couldn't find her, they kept looking and found her she had her back turned and was looking out the window and she came and sat back down as did everyone else "i wanna know why loki let us take him, he is not leading an army from here" said steve "i don't think we should be focusing on loki, that guys got a brain full of cats you can smell crazy off him" said banner "have care how you speak loki is beyond reason but he is of Asgard and he is my brother" "he killed 80 people in 2 days thor" said lantana "um he is adopted?" said thor "yeah cause that makes everything alright" snapped lantana, banner then began talking "i think it's about the mechanics Iridium what do they need the Iridium for?" he asked "it's a stabilizing agent, means the portal won't collapse on itself like it did at shield, also means that the portal can stay open for as long as loki wants and stay open as wide, ah raise the mizzen mast, ship the topsails, he is playing Galaga, he thought we wouldn't notice" people looked at tony strangely "stark are we talking about the same person here?" asked lantana, "that man {tony pointed} is playing Galaga he thought we wouldn't notice" said tony as lantana gazed into the mans back making him turn as he sensed he was being watched, he was going to come up with an excuse but then he saw lantana staring at him, one hand on her hip, a perfectly arched eyebrow raised and a frightening glare that even fury would be afraid of, he turned back, tony is standing the area that fury stands in and covers one eye "how does fury even see these things" "he turns" said hill walking in as tony placed something under the desk "sounds exhausting", when he left lantana grabbed it out whilst tony wasn't looking, she crushed it "the rest of the raw materials" lantana tuned him out for about a second, until clint is mentioned again "agent barton can get his hands on the raw materials pretty easily only majority component he needs is something that'll kick start the cube" "when did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?" asked maria and lantana at the same time "last night the packet, selvig's notes, the extraction theory papers-am i the only one who did the reading?" " no but weather i understand it that is up to you" said lantana "does loki need any particular kind of power source?" asked steve "he'd have to heat the cube to a hundred twenty kelvin just to break through the coulomb barrier" said banner "unless selvig has figured out how to stabilize the quantum tunneling effect" said tony "well, if he could do that he could achieve heavy ion fusion in any reactor in the planet" said banner "finally, someone who speaks English" said tony "is that just what happened?" asked lantana and steve at the same time, the others looked at lantana "what? i said i read not that i understood it" she said 

Stark and banner shake hands "doctor banner good to meet you your work on anti-electronic collisions is unparalleled and i'm a fan of the way you turn into that big green rang monster, natasha hadn't known banner long but she didn't like that he called himself and let others call him a monster, she glared at tony, who smiled sheepishly causing her to head towards him, ready to attack "agent romanoff" called maria, seeing what she was going to do, natasha headed toward maria "thanks" banner said "doctor banner is only here to track the cube" said fury "i was hoping you might join him" "I'd start with that stick of his it maybe magical but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon" said steve "i don't know about that but it is powered by the cube and stark I'd like to know how loki used it to turn the two sharpest men i know into his own flying monkeys" stark nodded "shall we play doctor?" he asked "this way, stark" the Galaga player, waited till he saw everyone disperse and then continued playing.

"we have to look for another agent now" sighed clint "i know" agreed lantana "lantana, come here" said lily "what?" she asked not moving "come here" "no" she said "Lantana" said James "no" "why are you so stubborn?" asked lily "i blame dad and mum" said harry


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