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on the bridge fury is at his command station and an agent says "all hands to your stations immediantly" meanwhile the helicarrier was falling iron man is pushing the blades to kick start the engine the blades begin to move faster and faster until he can't keep up "cap hit the lever" the captain is hanging by a power cord "i need a minute here" "cap lever now" tony is up against one blade, he can't escape, "uh-oh" and he is dragged underneath a rotor cap hauls himself up and pulls the lever and is able to pull the lever and tony escapes and shoots a gunman behind steve. coulson is still in the lab he then leaves meanwhile a jet takes off with loki in it and he smiles, "sir the god rabbited" he told fury, fury nodded "we still need something to make them fight together not each other" meanwhile banner woke up in a warehouse when a guard spoke, he was surronded by rubble "you fell out of the sky" "did i hurt anyone?" "there was nobody here to hurt, scared the hell out of some pigons though" "lucky" said banner as the guard chucked him some clothes which he began to pull on "or just good aim you were awake when you fell" "you saw?" "the whole thing, right through the celing green and buck ass nude, i didn't think those clothes would fit you till you shrunk down to a normal sized fella" "thanks" said banner, "are you an alien?" "what?" "from outter space, an alien?" "no" said bruce "well son you've got a condition" in the medbay in the helicarrier, clint is strapped to a medbay bed, shaking his head and pulling the restraints all while lantana is sitting there "Clint your gonna be alright" "you know that? is that what you know?, i gotta flush him out" said clint "you gotta level out that is gonna take some time" "you don't understand have you ever had some take your brain and play, pull something out and shove something else in, do you know what it is like to be unmade?" lantana poured some water "you know that i do" 

people sent lantana looks of confusion, she snapped "leave me alone" and glared she hated them all, "lantana come here" said james "no" fury, coulson and maria and melinda were confused "were your parents..." lily never finished, lantana back handed her, clint stood up and walked over to her and whispered in her ear "your okay moya lubov" she was pissed, harry glared, dottie smiled and lily was crying whilst james was thinking of a punishment "your not my parents your his" she gestured to harry, "the only parents i had during my time in the red room was mama and papa" and before lantana could attack more clint grabbed her wrist and pulled her around to face him "no" he whispered "but-" "lantana" sighed clint, "you don't attack strangers" lantana pursed her lips and then sat down, the wizarding world were confused he wasn't attacked and were also grateful to him for stopping her

"why am i back how did you get him out?" asked clint "cognintive recolbaration, i hit you really hard on the head" "thanks" lantana begins to remove the retraints "lantana how many agents did?" "don't, don't do this to yourself clint, this is loki, monsters and magic nothing we have ever trained for" "loki {clint sat next to lantana} he got away?" "yeah i don't suppose you know where?" "didn't ask didn't need to know, he is gonna make his play soon though, today" "we gotta stop him" "who's we?" "i don't know, whoevers left" "well if i put an arrow through loki's eye socket i might sleep better" lantana laughed slightly "now you sound like you" "but you don't your a spy, not a soldier now you want to wade into a war. Why? what did loki do to you?" "nothing i just", "lantana" "i've been compromised i got red in my ledger, i'd like to wipe it out" lantana faced clint and put her head against his and sighed in relife she got her best friend/secret husband back, "you missed me huh?" "you know that i did" clint and lantana smiled.

people who didn't know they did this looked confused, the avengers had seen them do this many times and knew it was a habit as did fury and the people who were with him.

steve and tony were talking "he wants to tear us apart" pointed out tony "well that ones a given, but what i am getting from this is that he wants to be seen by the world, his name plastered into the sky" tony realised something "son of a bitch, he is gonna use stark towers", and the two left 

at stark towers selvig is setting up the machine, barton is in the bathroom and lantana is waiting, sorta just standing and then steve opens the door "time to go" "go where?" asked lantana "i'll tell you on the way, can you fly one of those jets?" clint opens the door drying his hands "i can" he said, steve looked at lantana who nods "got a suit?" "yeah" "then suit up" and steve left lightning connects with thor's hammer and tony is fixing his iron helmet, steve gets his helmet and shield, lantana attaches and lights up her widow gauntlet, clint slips on his quiver of arrows, cap, lantana and clint walk onto a jet "hey you guys aren't suppose to be here" said a shield engineer "don't just don't" said lantana and they took off "we've got an unauthorised depature from bay six" "they found it, get our communications up whatever you have to do i want eyes on everything" "yes sir" said hill, iron man is flying towards the city his suit is losing power but he continues to make it to stark tower, selvig still under loki's control is is ready to activate the machine he created for the tesseract and ironman tries to stop it but can't "sir i turned off the arc reactor the device is already selfsustaining" "shut it down selvig" "it's too late she can't stop now she wants to show us something a whole new universe" "okay" said tony annoyed he fires at the barrier but the tesseract deflects it knocking selvig back and out and tony backwards 

"wow" said peggy people jumped as they forgot she was there,

"the barrier is pure energy it is unbreacheable" said jarvis "yea i got that" quipped tony, tony looks to see loki on the platform outside the penthouse "sir the mark seven is not ready for deployment" "then skip the spinning rings were on the clock here" said tony, tony lands and his suit deconstructs and he walks in so does loki "please tell me your going to appel to my humanity" "uh no-actually going to threaten you" said tony "you should have left your armor for that"

"he ain't wrong" said howard making many jump, tony raised his eyebrows at that and then continued to watch

"yeah it's seen a bit of mileage. you've got the blue stick of destiny, drink?" asked tony "stalling me won't change anything" "uh-not stalling threatning" said tony "the chituri are coming and nothing will change what do i have to fear?" 'the avengers, earth mightiest heroes that sorta thing" "yes i've met them" "yeah took us a little while to get traction, lets do a head count here, your brother the demigod, a super soldier, a living legend who lives up to the legend, a man with breathtaking anger managment issues {loki turns and tony slips on braclets and loki turns back quickly} a couple of master assassins and you big fella managed to piss every single one of them off" "that was the plan" tony walks towards loki "not a great plan, when they come and they will, they'll come for you" said tony "i have an army" "we have a hulk" "oh i thought the beast had wandered off" "yeah-your missing th point here, there is no throne, there is no version of this where you come out on top, maybe your army is to much for us, but it's all on you, if can't save the earth you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it" said tony, loki walks to tony "how will yor friends have time for me if they are so busy fighting you?" loki pokes the secpter at tony's heart it didn't work, "this normally works" "well perfomance issues you know" loki grabs tony by the throat and throws him across the room "jarvis anytime now" loki picks tony up again "you will fall before me" and loki throws him out the window "jarvis deploy" "deploy" said tony again and an iron suit goes after tony and catches up to him and scans the braclets and forms around tony stopping him falling like a pancake and he flew up to the window and shoots loki and loki is knocked down, the device powered up and sent hordes of aliens to earth "right army" said tony, tony speeds towards the army shooting them all, the chitari fire back, he continues to fly higher when he gets hit by a chituari hovercraft he then corrects himself and fire missles at them, the citizens run for dear life, not wanting to get hit, the chituari fire at a restruant, a waitress and her co-workers all run inside and get trapped as they look out the window to see what was going on 

"wow" said ginny and people nodded in agreement, lantana scowls, she doesn't like these people.


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