Chapter 7 🥀

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Were just friends. Just friends? Yeah.

Sunnee's POV:

Today is the day of the Rave'N! I am so excited right now. Wednesday found a dress she was going to wear. When I was getting ready someone knocked on the door. Weird, I don't think it was Enid she would've texted me.

"Coming Eugene! Hey do you have any extra batterie-" Wednesday started but when she opened the door she was left in shock.

Where was Wednesday going with Eugene?

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Tyler. What are you doing here."  Wednesday said talking to Tyler but answering my question.

"Tyler? What is he doing here?" I asked as I got next to Wednesday.

"I uhm, got your letter. I guess you had thing drop it off for you? It was so sweet and passionate I was surprised." He said

"Yeah, me to.." Wednesday said still in shock.

"I thought we were supposed to go together?..." I told her.

"Are you guys dating? Tyler asked.

"What? Oh god no. Were Just Friends." Wednesday said nervously.

"Just friends?" I asked with a hint of sadness.

"Yeah Just friends." Wednesday said as she gave me a bit of a death glare.

"I'm gonna head out. See you guys there." I said as I headed out to sad to see them.

I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh my god I am so sorry." I told them as I looked up I saw Eugene?

"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I was gonna go with Wednesday out in the woods to look for a cave." He told me.

"Oh, I don't think Wednesday will make it. Shes to busy with Tyler." I told him as I pointed over at them.

We both seemed jealous but for different reasons.

"Hey Eugene?" I asked him

"Yeah?" He responded.

"If we both don't have anyone to go with do you want to go together as friends?" I asked him with a smile.

"Really??" He said perking his head up high.

"Yeah! It will be fun lets go!" I said dragging him to where the party was being hosted.


I entered with Eugene as we were talking about random things. He is actually a really cool guy.

Minutes later Wednesday walked in with Tyler. Sadness spread throughout my body as I saw them. Wednesday looked at me and I quickly turned away to keep talking to Eugene which I saw Wednesday notice through the corner of my eyes.

"I have never thought about taking care of bees they creep me out." I told him laughing.

"You should try it! It gets less scary the more attached you become." He told me with a wide smile.

We kept talking until I decided to get some drinks for the both of us.

"Hey I'm going to get some fruit punch want some?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure, why not." He responded as I walked to get us some.

As I was getting my fruit punch Wednesday came up to me.

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