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Wednesday could remember it like it was yesterday. She remembered the cold air biting her skin as she, Bianca and Eugene walked towards the school; towards their friends. Wednesday remembered Enid running as fast as she could to her. She remembers the feeling of Enid pressing their bodies together and wrapping her arms around her, before quickly pulling away. Wednesday remembered how she missed the warmth Enid gave her, and how she decided to pull her in for another hug. She remembered Enid's scent: sweet daisies, and the metallic smell of dried blood. She remembered the cheer of her classmates, understanding that it was finally over.

That was a month ago. Today was the day their holiday ended. It was time for everyone to return to Nevermore.

Wednesday scanned her eyes over the suitcases and bags she'd packed for the term, counting them to make sure she hadn't left any in her bedroom. Lurch slammed the compartment of the car which held her bags and ushered Wednesday, Pugsley, and their parents to ready themselves for the long car ride to the school. Wednesday looked at the perfectly dark and eerie manor she called home before sitting in the car and praying her family wouldn't make the journey too unbearable. She knew that was a naïve thing to wish for.

Reaching into her pocket, she took out the phone Xavier had gifted her. She never used it, but she made sure to keep it charged, just in case someone ever texted her.

'See you at school 👋' read the most recent message from Xavier. Wednesday felt a small upwards tug from the corner of her mouth, almost forming the smallest smirk. She didn't reply. Instead, she looked back at the message from the 'unknown' number. They didn't send her anything else since the last time. It could have been a sick joke from some stranger at the school. Still, she couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't.

Her parents sat across from her, making sure to sit as close to each other as they could, and they began the drive.

"Oh Wednesday, our little storm cloud, we are so thrilled you've decided to go back to Nevermore this year!" Wednesday couldn't help but scoff a little.

'I didn't have much of a choice.' She thought to herself. Nevertheless, she was...at peace with the idea of going back. She wanted to continue her studies. She also wanted to see her friends (specifically one), but she mainly wanted to study, of course.

"Now, dear, you must promise us you won't get into too much trouble this year. No silly little Hydes, or secret riddles and mysteries that you feel the need to solve. We also feel it is best for you to keep relationships at a minimum. Please do make many friends but considering what your last...ehh, boyfriend did, it would be best for you to refrain from dating."

"He was not my boyfriend, and do not fret, mother, I am not like you. I will never fall in love. I have learned from my mistakes last term," She said in her usual deathly tone. She had not told her parents about her mysterious stalker, but when Morticia mentioned 'mysteries she felt the need to solve,' she thought of the text.

She decided to not let it get to her. This school year was going to be the most average, normal year you could get at Nevermore. No monsters, no killings, no secrets, and no dating boys.

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