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It had been a week. A week of Xavier taking an extreme interest in Wednesday's own interests. Wednesday didn't mind it...she just found it a little strange.

For Enid, it was different. She watched from afar as they slowly got closer and closer, all because of her. Wednesday even let Xavier sit directly next to her, with their shoulders touching, whenever they were huddling over a book. It was sickening. Enid wasn't entirely sure why she felt like that, maybe because Xavier had cheated his way into Wednesday's heart, or maybe because she deserved someone better. That wasn't the point though. Xavier was nice, he was kind, and he was perfect for Wednesday. She should be happy for them, right? Besides, she was already dating Ajax so if they got together then they could go on cute double dates and do those kinds of things. That's what Enid wanted, right?

A few more days passed and Enid found herself sitting in the library all alone. Well, not for long. Xavier slithered his way into the chair next to her and poked her shoulder.

"Psst, Enid. I need your help again." She rolled her eyes but faced him.

"I want to ask Wednesday to be my girlfriend." Enid almost choked.

"What? Why?"

"I think we like each other, and since the last stuff you told me was really good, I assumed you'd know how to ask her out."

"What? No! Ask her out yourself, you can't use me! If you used my idea then that would be like...I was the one asking her out!"

"Enid, please. I'll pay you if that helps." Enid gasped as Xavier pulled out a bit of money from his pocket. Not a lot, but she was still shocked. Enid was going to say no, but after consideration, she found she had a better idea.

"Alright, I'll help," she said, taking the money and putting it in her pocket. She was sure to buy some new nail polish with it later.

"Wednesday has been really into rom-coms lately. If you want to ask her out, go big or go home." Xavier looked confused but decided not to question it since he trusted Enid.

"Like, a teddy bear? Chocolates? Romantic dinner?"

"No, bigger. Something the whole school would want to see."

"Are you sure? I mean, I guess you guys have been talking a lot recently but I'm not sure about this."

"Trust me, Xavier. She's changed. You know it. Besides, if she really likes you then she'll say yes no matter how you ask her." Xavier nodded in agreement. Enid smiled at him and waved goodbye, picking up her bags and walking back to her dorm.
Sure, what she told Xavier was a complete lie, but she had fun with it. What was the worst that could happen? When Xavier asks her in the most embarrassing way possible, there's no way she'd say yes.

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