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It had been 3 long hours of school, but it was finally lunchtime. Enid made her way outside and noticed Xavier leaning against a pillar, beckoning for her to go to him. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Wednesday sitting on a bench alone, eating an apple. Enid rushed to Xavier before Wednesday noticed her.

"Hey Xavier, so what did you need help with? And what does Wednesday have to do with this?"

"You see, I really want to ask Wednesday out, but...I don't know how. And then I remembered that you two are, like, best friends now, so I figured I'd ask you for help." Xavier finishes his explanation with a smile. Enid didn't smile back at him. This was wrong in every way possible. He was using Enid to get Wednesday.

"Oh my god, I am not going to do this! Xavier, you can't just use me to get her! Why don't you ask someone else?"

"Because no one else is as close to her as you are! Please, Enid. I really think we like each other, and I think I can make her happy. Don't you want that for your friend?" Enid knew he meant well, and she sensed that he did genuinely like her. What were a few harmless little facts about Wednesday going to do?

"Well...she uh, likes...Edgar Allen Poe. She also likes Mary Shelley, Agatha Christie, you know, the classics."

"Wait wait wait, those people are writers? Like book writers." Enid nodded.

"Oh...I don't read much. Does she like anything else?" Enid could think of a few other things Wednesday enjoyed doing, even if she'd never admit it. Cuddling with her was one of the first things that came to her head, but she'd already given enough information. So, Enid shook her head as a 'no' to Xavier's question.

"Okay then, I guess I'll head to the library. And thanks, I mean it. You were a huge help." He smiles and heads inside. Enid grimaces. She can't believe she just let someone take advantage of her so they could date her best friend. Rolling her eyes, she looks around. From the other side of the quad, she sees seeing Wednesday staring at her. Wednesday was known for her spine-chilling death stares, but this one really made Enid feel like she was going to kill her. Without thinking, she felt the need to go and apologise to Wednesday for what she'd done, even if she didn't know. But before she could, Ajax sat down next to her and placed a kiss on Enid's cheek.

"Enid, hey! I haven't seen you since yesterday." Enid smiled and nodded, remembering when she stopped by Ajax's dorm before heading to her own to unpack her bags.

"Yeah, how were your classes?"

"Good. Uh, not to be weird or anything, like it's fine if you don't wanna tell me or if you guys are friends, but why were you talking to Xavier?" Enid panicked and said the first thing that came to her mind.

"Homework. He wanted help with...biology homework...about werewolves. And who better to ask about werewolves than an actual werewolf, right?" She said, trying to laugh.

"Yeah, alright. Hey, uh, do you wanna come to my dorm after school? Watch a movie or something? My roommate is heading out for the evening, going with some friends. We can have a few hours to ourselves, if you know what I mean." Enid knew what he meant. He meant their usual making out with no talking kind of thing. Don't get her wrong, she really enjoyed it, and she still really liked Ajax, but things had been different lately. Besides, she knew Wednesday had something to say to her.

"Look, I would love to, honest, but I've got a lot of work to finish and I don't feel like staying up that late."

"Oh, that's fine, no worries." As Ajax says that, the bell rings for everyone to go inside for their last few lessons. Ajax kisses Enid quickly before waving goodbye and walking with his friends inside. She sighs. She really needed to talk to Wednesday.

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