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Wednesday walked around the school, hand in hand with Xavier. It had been a few days since they made it official, and they were the talk of the school. Wednesday didn't know how to feel. Sure, being his girlfriend came with its perks. Free things, popularity (not that she cared about that), and always someone to hang out with. It was like a permanent best friend. The old her would have hated that, but the new her wouldn't. But to be honest, she didn't really like Xavier. He might really, really like her, but she saw him as a friend, nothing more. But she'd never admit that. Not to him. He wouldn't want that, her friends wouldn't want that, and Enid wouldn't want that.

Enid. She missed her. She hadn't seen or spoken to her for almost a week. She was always with Ajax and Wednesday with Xavier. They wouldn't even talk in the evenings or mornings. It was almost unbearable, but she was sure Enid was happy with Ajax. It was normal for things like this to happen, right?


Enid wanted to cry.

She was sat with Ajax on his bed, kissing him passionately, the way they always do. All she could think about was Wednesday. Wednesday was dating Xavier, and it was all because of her. She'd tried to sabotage their relationship, but it backfired on her. She felt like she deserved it. Wednesday was happy now, so why was Enid so upset?

Ajax pulled away.

"Hey, babe, you ok? You seem a little...stressed."

"I'm fine, sorry. Can we, uh, watch a movie?"

"Sure!" Enid liked Ajax. He was the kindest boy she'd ever met. He was her dream boyfriend or her year-ago-self's dream boyfriend. Now, she didn't feel a connection, but she couldn't break Ajax's heart. So instead she rested on his shoulder as he turned on Netflix and picked something for them to watch.


Wednesday put on a fake smile as Xavier kissed her goodbye, returning to his own dorm. She entered hers, hoping to see Enid, but it was empty. Sighing, she began to get ready to sleep. She did her usual routine of brushing her teeth, washing her face, putting on her completely black silk pyjamas and unbraiding and brushing her hair.
As she ran the comb through her locks, she heard a notification from her phone. Picking it up, she gasped. It was from the unknown number. Quickly unlocking the phone, she read what they had to say.

'You think you know your friends? Do you think you know those closest to you? They are hiding something. It is not only you I'm watching. Do you not find it suspicious how a week ago, Xavier suddenly became an expert in the art of classic literature and poetry? Believe it or not, he had a man on the inside or a werewolf on the inside. Do you understand?
Do you not find it strange how he asked you to be his girlfriend in such a way that he couldn't have possibly thought of that alone? The poem, the rose, the big crowd, ideas that came to him with a nudge from a certain werewolf. Now, get this, Wednesday: he even paid her for information about you! Maybe you should reconsider your relationships, Addams. I'm watching.'

Wednesday almost choked. She couldn't believe it. There was no way this was true.
Apparently, she wouldn't have to wait any longer to find out.
In walked Enid, closing the door behind her and walking to her side of the room.

"Hi, Wednesday. Haven't talked in a while. How are you?"

"Shut up. How could you?" Enid stared in shock.

"How could I...what?"

"You and Xavier...did he pay you for the information?" Wednesday watched as the colour from Enid's face drained. It was true.

"Oh my fucking god."

"Wait, wait! He didn't pay me for the stuff about the writers you like."

"Like that's any better!"

"I'm sorry, okay! I knew it was a mistake, I shouldn't have done it."

"It's too late now. I can't believe you. I can't believe Xavier. It's like one big lie...why did you do it?"

"I thought it would make you happy!"

"Well, I'm the complete opposite of happy right now! You ruined everything!"

"Stop it! I didn't! You're so dramatic, Wednesday."

"Me? Dramatic? You're the one who can't stop meddling in my life to try and 'make me happy'! I am trying to change! I want to be happy and make others happy by myself! Stay out of my life Enid."

"You're becoming someone you're not, Wednesday!"


"You're changing!"

"What's so bad about that? I thought you'd be happy for me! I'm trying to become a better person."

"You're not! This isn't you."

"Like you know so much about me? Go on, then. What was so great about the old me?"

"You were...you!"

"I thought you'd like me now."

"I don't! I liked, no, I loved, the old you. I loved the old you so much, the one where you'd joke about gruesome topics, the one where you were absolutely fearless, the one I fell in love with."

"What? Enid...I..."

"You know what Wednesday, it doesn't matter, you wouldn't get it. You have a boyfriend, I have a boyfriend, and you wanted this year to be normal, right? Don't fuck this up for us."

"But Enid...what did you mean."

"Oh my god, Wednesday! The old you would have understood."

"Enid, tell me before I take a knife and shove it down your throat so you can't say anything else about the me you love."

Enid was silent.

"Enid, do you love me?"

"Yes, I love you, Wednesday."

"I..." Wednesday was speechless.

"No, you don't have to say anything. It's a mistake. It's my mistake. I'm tired, I'm going to go to sleep. Forget I said anything."
Before Enid could hide away under the covers, Wednesday pulled her wrist, making them face one another.

"Enid, I think I love you too." They stare at each other.

"Wednesday, this is a mistake."

"I've never been one to follow the rules."

Wednesday leans up and lets their lips touch gently. It was soft, delicate, everything they were not. It was perfect. It ended all too soon. Enid pulled away and looked at her.

"Let's go to sleep," She whispered. Enid gently dragged Wednesday to her bed, and they both slid under the covers and relaxed in each other's arms. As they fell asleep, they both made a silent promise.

All of the mistakes they'd make, they'd do them together.

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