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Wednesday carefully placed her typewriter on top of the desk, standing back and admiring the simplicity of her side of the room. Thing scuttled out of her rucksack and observed the room as well. She turned around and observed Enid's side. It looked like an explosion of a rainbow. She had once again put up the stained glass stickers on one half of the window and covered the walls with various posters and colourful flowers and objects on shelves. She looked at Wednesday, catching her staring.

"Do you like it?" She asked excitedly.

"It looks the same as last time." Enid shrugged at this, knowing Wednesday wasn't wrong. She sat on her bed and began scrolling through her phone. Wednesday could hear the short videos playing from 'TikTok', or whatever Enid called it. Wednesday reached into her own pocket and felt her own phone in her hand. Carefully walking over to Enid's side, she pulled out her phone and cleared her throat, getting Enid's attention. She instantly looked at the phone in Wednesday's hand.

"O-M-G! You actually got a phone!" She said, standing up and rushing close to Wednesday, standing uncomfortably close to her in Wednesday's opinion. Wednesday knew what she wanted: Enid's number. Wednesday tried to get the words out, but for some reason, she felt awkward doing so.

"Would you...do you...can I get...your..."

"Number? You want my number?" Enid finished for her. Wednesday nodded.

"Of course!" Enid took ahold of Wednesday's phone and quickly typed it in, handing it back with a smile. Wednesday shoved the phone back in her pocket and muttered a small 'thank you' before turning around and walking back to her side of the room, hiding the tiny smile on her face. She didn't know why it made her so happy. She packed her rucksack and folded her uniform, ready for tomorrow. Checking the time (around 7 pm) she decided it was time to ready herself for sleep. Going into the back room and brushing her teeth, washing her face and putting on pyjamas, she went back into the room and slipped under her covers, letting her eyelids droop. She heard Enid do the same, getting out of the bathroom and getting into her own bed, turning off all the lights. Wednesday hoped that tonight would be quiet.


It was the middle of the night, and Wednesday awoke to sniffling and the sound of small whimpers from the other side of the room. Turning her head, she saw the faint silhouette of Enid's sleeping body shivering strongly. Wednesday felt a strong sense of worry wash over her and quickly got out of her bed, speed walking to Enid's side. Enid was crying.

"Psst, Enid, wake up. Are you okay?" She said, poking Enid. Her eyes suddenly opened, and Wednesday saw the amount of fear in them. She took ahold of Enid's hand and squeezed it, letting her know she could talk about it.

"It was a nightmare. Everyone hated me, I was alone." Wednesday sat next to Enid, still holding her hand.

"If everyone hated you, I wouldn't," she said simply. Enid smiled. She shuffled closer to Wednesday and laid her head on her shoulder. Usually, Wednesday would push anyone else off and threaten them, but it was Enid. She wasn't anyone else. She was special, and Wednesday was slowly coming to that realisation.
They sat like that for a while before Wednesday heard soft snores coming from Enid who had leaned her entire body against her. Wednesday didn't know how to get up without waking her, so without thinking, she pulled the blanket over the both of them, and laid her head on top of Enid's, finally ready to get a good night's sleep.

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