Chapter 37

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Swasti's pov

Three months later;

Three months had passed,nd I was getting bored in this house now,all I do is wake up,have meetings with ishaan and others for office stuff,make reports,read novels in the library,watch web series and talk to mom-dad,ma-papa and all including divu!And for three months I have not talked to vihaan for even once,not even a message,and neither has he tried to talk,u know what the problem is,I understand the mistakes in our relationship but who will make him understand that?And he doesn't even want to know the mistakes.How do u expect a doctor to treat a patient who doesn't want to be treated?

And it was getting Abit hard for me too to give excuses to everyone whenever they ask where vihaan is,I don't know what he must be saying but I always say that he is either sleeping,he is having online meetings or he is at work.Infact I told mom that normally he leaves by 9 in the morning and comes back by around 10 to 12.And whenever she calls on Sundays I use the other 2 excuses,inshort so far we have never been together in a call,and I've been avoiding video calls as well cuz of this reason.

And during my free time I spend time with Anne,Jason,aunt Laura and Florian,and sometimes I teach them new indian recipes as me and Florian bake new stuff every week,I mean I want to time pass and learn a few new stuff and she loves baking so we bake new stuff every week sometimes different types of cakes or cupcakes, sometimes nachos sometimes cookies,it varies every week,and I have even become close to these 4 as for the time I'm here they r like my family and all of them have one or another story that shows that they were actually in a need of this job.

Today was like any other friday I was having,I was done with all my meetings and reports and today I was going to cook dinner,Jason and anne joined me in the kitchen.I decided to make pav bhaji and fried rice,I was already planned about this from before so all the preparations were ready and I baked buns with Florian as well for this reason,so everything is going to be Home-made including the buns😂I reached them how to make the bhaji step by step as they watched me keenly and also helped me with a few things here and there.And after around a hour and a half the pav bhaji was ready,and since I taught them how to make indian styled fried rice,the made that,and the dinner was ready!Aunt Laura and Florian arranged the table as we all served ourselves.

Swasti:U guys have done an incredible job with the fried rice,Jason and anne!(I told them as it actually tasted like my Udaipur's fried rice)Btw how is the pav bhaji,I didn't make it so spicy as u guys don't like?

They all loved the pav bhaji!Which I was glad for!

Laura:Btw swasti,Im sorry if I'm invading ur privacy or something,but why do u and vihaan stay alone?And it's been months,vihaan hasn't come to see u even once!(She asked with curiosity and it was visible on her face that she literally didn't have any intention to offend me or invade my privacy)'s just that...we r not in good terms with each other aunt Laura!

Laura:Ohh! Actually swasti please take care of vihaan,I know him very well,and actually last time when he was here,he came with arushi,and I was quite shocked that he got married to u nd not arushi I mean if u told me that a few years back that Vihaan is going to marry someone else I would take it like an actual joke and would burst out laughing,they were that close,and I don't know what happened in these few years but all I know is that,I'm very happy for vihaan that he is married to YOU and not arushi!I mean,I have always looked at vihaan like my own child and now even you,I just pray to God that ur relationship with him, becomes unbreakable,and one thing I'm sure about is that,I don't know what happened but whatever happened affected vihaan in negative way I can assure that, because I've stayed with arushi for months,as well as with vihaan.

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