Chapter 1

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"We are not makers of history. We are made by history."

-Martin Luther King Jr.-


Ophelia's P.O.V

Humans, dragons and witches have always lived side by side with each other since the beginning of time. 

There was even a legend that mentioned how these three races united together to go against Azrail, the dragon of death and destruction from hell more than ten thousand years ago. 

By sending the noble warriors, four great dragons and powerful witches, they managed to put him to sleep and locked his spirit in the mountain of death, a place no one could reach alive to prevent anyone from waking him up. 

The story was often sought of as a myth but many people still believed it.

One thing was for sure. These three races were supposed to live in peace with each other. 

Until five hundred years ago, the humans who used to live in villages gathered to create kingdoms and the kingdoms eventually became an empire. 

The people gave it a name, Nassis Empire. 

They selected a direct descendant from one of the noble warrior who was said to have defeated Azrail. 

A man from the Aristos family, Yigor Aristos.

While the humans were overjoyed and hopeful for this new beginning, the witches and the dragons were in danger. 

The first emperor of Nassis absolutely despised witches and dragons.

He burnt off any possible dragon's lair, driving the dragons to the verge of extinction and the surviving ones had gone off the land. 

They also destroyed witches' villages because they were afraid our existence could become a threat for them.

One of the village destroyed was my village. My parents' were the village chiefs. Our tribe was specialized in healing magic and potions.

 I was only a child when the royal army invaded our village and started murdering everyone. My parents hid me and told me to run away. 

They used a forbidden magic to take me out of the village.

When I woke up, I was already in this mountain. Overnight, I lost everything I ever had and had to start everything from scratch again. 

I used my magic power to build this manor. Although it's not that big, but it's enough for me alone. I searched the mountain for food. 

Having magic certainly made everything easier. I learnt how to cook and adapted to this new life, leading a quiet life. 

However, witches have always lived longer than human.

Four hundred years had passed, I was still alive and young. Life had become boring and quite monotone. 

I never left the mountain because I feared what could happen if humans knew of my existence. Even after everything they did, I found it difficult to hate them.

I used birds to gather information of the outer world and it seemed like things had changed a lot since four hundred years ago. 

I considered getting out of the mountain, but I had no purpose yet. I needed to figure out the purpose of my existence first and foremost before deciding on anything.

It was during this mid-life crisis did I decide to explore the other parts of the mountain, a side I rarely ever explore since it was far away from home. 

What's the worst that could happen? I followed the stream until I stumbled upon a cave. My curiosity got the best of me so I went to check it out. It was just a normal cave but there was something that caught my attention.

"Hm, what is that?" I asked myself as I approached it. Turned out, it was an egg. It was larger than normal eggs, definitely bigger. 

I didn't know what kind of egg it was since I've never seen anything like it before.

"It would be such a waste to leave this egg out in the open like this, I should just bring it home." I put the egg on my basket and brought it back with me. Once I reached home, I put the egg in different basket with warm blanket underneath.

"Should I just boil the egg tomorrow? I think it will be delicious with some salt and pepper." I muttered to myself. 

It would definitely be enough for me to eat for at least two days, considering the size of it. I didn't know why, I decided to let it be for the time being and did my business for the day.

The next day, I woke up and checked on the egg to see if it was still intact. 

Much to my surprise, the eggs suddenly cracked open and I took a step back when something crawled its way out of the egg. 

I took a good look at it and was shocked when I saw what it was.

A baby dragon! Not just any baby dragon, it was a sun dragon. 

I have seen them in stories before and the signature of a sun dragon is their unique red, orange and yellow scales they possessed since birth. 

It's around the size of my palm, so not that big but not that small either.

Our eyes met and the first thing I realized about the dragon was how red his eyes were. The dragons let out a sound that sounded like a cat's meow mixed with bird's chirping. It approached me and flew over to my hand. 

We stared at each other for a few more seconds and I came to the conclusion that the dragon must have mistook me for his mother. I touched him for the first time and he was oddly quite docile with me.

"Hm, I'm not your real mother. I don't even know how you end up here since the dragons have long left this land, but since you're already here, do you want to live with me?" I ask and the dragon seemed to agree because it flapped it's wing and let out the same sound as before.

"Since you're going to stay with me, I guess I should give you a name. What kind of name do you want?" I asked him as I thought for a few moments.

"Since you are a sun dragon, I will just name you Helios." I smiled and the dragon chirped again, as if he's giving his approval.

Just like that, a new excitement had arrived in my life. Helios, the sun dragon who would become a major part of my life. 

But at this time I didn't know he would not be my only dragon. 

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