Chapter 26

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"When a person repeats a promise again and again, it means to fail you."



Ophelia's P.O.V

The three of us decided to check what the commotion was because we couldn't eat in peace due to the noise.

It turned out, the second prince was present in the restaurant as well. He was seated with a few of his comrades, but they looked drunk.

They must have drunk too much wine and it turned out when the second prince was drunk, he became violent and perverted.

He tried to attack the female servers who were working there and the owner of the restaurant had to plead him to calm himself down.

"Please, your majesty, don't create a scene like this." The female waitress struggled against him and Clyde pushed her away out of anger when the owner approached him.

"Do you know who I am? I am the second prince, I am a member of the royal family. Who are you to defy me?"

He tried to abuse his power and everyone shrunk back. I could see Nicholas' eyes fuming with anger watching his younger brother's atrocious behavior.

"I have to step in there, I can't let this go on for much further." He told me.

"But then the others would realize you are the crown prince."

"It's my duty to protect my people. I can't just let my brother does whatever he wants because he is part of the royalty." He reasoned.

He placed some money on the table to pay for the meal and turned to me.

"I apologize, Lia. It seems like our trip today has to be cut short. But I promise I will make it up to you some other time." Nicholas said before rushing forward to the scene.

With an authoritative voice, he faced Clyde.

"Clyde, stop that arrogant demeanor of yours and get out of here." Everyone's eyes were on Nicholas and Clyde who was still drunk slammed the table before looking at Nicholas.

"Who are you to call my name so casually and use that tone on me!? Don't you know who I am? I am the second prince! I can punish commoners like you if I want to!"

At the moment, Nicholas removed his head cover and everyone was shocked to see the crown prince standing among them, including Clyde who looked like he just snapped back to reality after looking at his face.

"Your majesty." Everyone in the room bowed down as they recognized him.

Clyde was speechless, he was caught red handed by the crown prince.

Surely, his behavior would be reported back to the emperor and he would receive punishment for embarrassing the royal family and abusing his authority later.

Nicholas ordered the guards who had been protecting us in secret this entire time to bring him back to the palace and he would also go back along with them.

Just like that, they all walked out from the restaurant. I headed back inside to the VIP room with Helios and finished our meal because it has been paid for, after all.

It was different without Nicholas around but it's fine. I knew the way back to the palace and some of the guards were still present.

"That second prince, he's such an arse he made the crown prince looked better than he actually was." Helios admitted. I agreed.

I already knew since the beginning that the second prince was not the most favored but I didn't think he would act that way toward his people as well.

Both I and Helios decided to look around the capital a bit more since there were still a few hours before nightfall.

Helios looked a lot happier walking around with me since Nicholas was gone. It was understandable, after all he didn't like Nicholas since the beginning.

Once the sun was about to set, we arrived back at the palace and this time, we heard the news that the emperor have received the news about what the second prince did and he had received a punishment for it.

Apparently Clyde was grounded for an entire month and he would lose his privilege to use the royal family's name in public.

It was an indirect denouncement of his position as the second prince, surely Clyde would feel embarrassed and angry right now.

Like usual, when Helios was there, dinner would be delivered to our room. I also didn't want to face the other members of the royal family at the dining table during this time.

I could only imagine the intensity of that place right now considering what happened earlier.

Once I was done with dinner, I asked Helios to guard the room since I was going to take a bath. I loved taking bath in the palace.

They had a large bath pool that felt very comfortable, relaxing and luxurious.

"I wish I can come and take a bath with you, Lia. Such opportunity would be a dream come true." He stated.

"Don't be silly, you already know that is not possible." I replied.

"Why not? You've seen me naked before, Lia. Why can't I see you naked too? It's so unfair." He pouted like a child.

"Yes, but that was like ninety years ago when you were just a cute little dragon, you wouldn't take bath on your own so I had to do it for you. You are a grown man now, it's a different story." I replied as I walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me and covered my face in embarrassment.

There were some times when brutally honest response did more harm than good. I didn't know if Helios was naïve or he was just being sneaky but he made me feel flustered.

Once I was done taking a bath, I walked out to Helios who was standing in the balcony.

"What are you doing, Helios?"

"Lia, I've just been thinking about our encounter with Raiden. I finally got to meet another dragon like me. However, I didn't feel anything. There was no excitement or connection at all." He admitted.

"Raiden seemed like a quiet man and he was much older than you, maybe that's why." I reasoned.

"Hm, maybe you're right. I guess I have to meet a dragon who's of similar age to me. Maybe I can get along with him or her."

"Do you want to find other dragons like you?" I asked him.

"It depends. A part of me does but another part would feel uneasy if the dragon gets too close to you. I like you the most in this world, Lia I don't want to share you with anyone." He explained.

"You've overthinking it again, I told you, no matter what, you will be the one closest to me." I hugged him to soothe his mind.

"Lia, promise me something."

"Hm, what is it?"

"If other dragons come to you, you have to love me the most."

"That's a silly request, of course I will love you the most. Helios, you are my first dragon I've raised from baby." I admitted while pinching his cheek.

"Ouch, I'm being serious. You should stop treating me like a kid, Lia! I'm a grown man now, I want to be your lover not your kid." He pouted.

"Okay, okay! It's getting late, let's just head to bed." I suggested and both of us laid in bed. He hugged me and we eventually fell asleep.

I just made those promise to him casually but I didn't know in the future, I would actually have more dragons beside him.

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