Chapter 28

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Nicholas' P.O.V

"Where is Lia?" I asked the maid assigned to her about where bout but she shook her head.

"I don't know, your majesty. She walked outside with the man who came with her and had not returned since."

I groaned and tried to find her all over the palace but I simply could not find her. She must have returned to the mountain riding Helios.

As I passed by the garden, I overheard some of the maids whispering around.

"Did you see it? There was a dragon flying in the sky! It was so odd, I thought dragons have gone extinct." They must have seen Helios. It wasn't good if his identity was revealed to the public.

It might even be harmful to Lia.

However, it wasn't my main concern for the time being.

I was more concerned about the misunderstanding between me and Ophelia.

I must have hurt her feelings. I shouldn't have let her know about my engagement. She would think I was just playing her all along.

From the look in her eyes, it appeared our feelings for each other were mutual but I ruined it.

"Your majesty, what's with the rush?" I saw Clarice and her maid approaching me from afar. She had a relaxed look on her face, perhaps she heard about Ophelia's departure already.

When I saw her, I really wanted to scream "It's all your fault."

But she was a noble lady and I was not an arse. Though I still thought she really shouldn't come to the palace at all.

Her presence was the cause of misunderstanding between the two of us. It annoyed me.

"My guest has departed. I haven't given her any rewards because it was too sudden." I told her and a huge grin suddenly appeared on her face. Though she tried to cover it with her hand fan, I could still see it.

"Oh? That's great. It means now I can finally have your majesty's undivided attention. I am so happy." She cheerily said, which made me feel even worse.

"I have some business to attend to today, Lady Clarice, the staff would accompany you if you need anything." I was about to leave when she suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Where are you going, your majesty? I went all the way to the palace, wouldn't you stay and accompany me even just for a day? I am your fiancee, after all!" Hearing those words coming out of her lips made me feel even worse.

"My lady, please do not embarrass yourself and release my hand. A noble lady shouldn't act with desperation." She slowly released my hand but the contempt never left her face.

"I still have some business to attend so if you would please excuse me." With that, I left and did what I had to do for the rest of the day.

Although I already had a perfectly curated plan about spending time with Lia, looked like it would simply remain that, a plan.

Ophelia's P.O.V

A few weeks had passed since I returned back to the mountain and during this time, I had been receiving a lot of letters from the crown prince.

They were mostly letters of apologies and more invitations to attend the palace again for absolutely no reason.

However, since finding out the crown prince was engaged, I didn't feel comfortable getting too close with him anymore.

"Lia, I made lunch for you. I think my cooking skills has improved. Have a taste." Helios walked into my bedroom to call me for lunch, he found the stack of letters on the box beside me and noticed how gloomy my expression looked.

He approached me and took a seat beside me.

"Why are you still upset of that man? He doesn't deserve even five minutes of your thoughts. You have me, don't be sad anymore, Lia."

He tried to comfort me, which I appreciated but I was really not in the mood to put on a happy face.

"Sorry, Helios, I couldn't help myself. Let me feel what I need to feel for now. I will eventually feel better again, but I need to be in my feels for the time being."

Actually, I wasn't so sad anymore about it but each time a letter arrived, it made my chest clench.

Each of the letter expressed his apologies and feelings toward me. I found out he also had an attraction toward me but had been unable to express it the whole time.

Only when he realized he was about to lose me did he admit everything.

"If it would make you feel better, would you tell me everything that's on your mind, Lia? I promise I will not get angry or upset. Why do you like this man? If you find out the reason, it would be easier for you to move on." He advised.

He hugged me and rested his head on mine.

"Lia, let me share your worries. Don't keep everything to yourself. What am I here for if you won't even talk to me about your troubles?"

I sighed as I hugged him back. Helios' body was so warm. He made me feel really comfortable. I caressed his hair and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you for being the best emotional support I can ask for, Helios." I thanked him.

"Do you really want to find out what's on my mind?"

"Yes, I promise I won't judge you." He wrapped his pinky fingers around mine and smiled. I knew I couldn't hide anything from this handsome man. He knew me way too well.

I was actually a little surprised at how reasonable Helios was acting at the moment. Perhaps he understood that I was at my lowest point emotionally and took a more mature role to comfort me.

"I know you must have your own reason to liking that man. I am jealous, but I won't get upset."

He was right, there was indeed a reason why I fell in love with Nicholas the moment I laid my eyes on him. It was because he resembled that man so much.

Eder Aristos, my first love.

Ophelia and The DragonsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora