Chapter 35

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"Sometimes healing comes after helping someone that is going through the same trauma you went through. Help yourself by helping others."

-Ace Antonio Hall-


Ophelia's P.O.V

"Lia, we have been waiting for you!" Serena rushed toward me as soon as I arrived in the palace.

The emperor and empress had personally welcomed me as well, something they had never done before.

"Miss Von Wickhelm. I am so glad you are here now. Please, save my son!" the emperor pleaded. I had never seen his majesty this desperate before.

Even when the princess was sick as well, he still maintained his composure I guessed it was a different story since the heir of the throne was the one at stake here.

If something happened to the crown prince, the emperor would go into turmoil and the throne would fall into the second prince's hand after the emperor's death.

Surely, the majority wouldn't want that, including the emperor himself.

"Please take me to him." They guided me to his room. When I arrived, a physician was attending to him, but he appeared pessimistic.

"The poison has gone too far in his bloodstream. I managed to stop them from spreading even further, but I am afraid at this rate..." He couldn't even finish his own sentence.

I asked him to move so I could attend to his majesty. I took a seat beside him and touched his hand. The tip of his fingers and his lips were both blue.

"Looked like he had been poisoned with iridescent dart frog's venom. He's lucky to even be alive right now. Everyone, please leave the room, I will do my best to eliminate the poison within his body." I told them and everyone nodded before leaving the room anxiously.

The poison had mixed into his bloodstream. I needed to use a potion to cleanse them before I transfer my mana to him.

Fortunately, I always carried a vial of all-purpose anti venom with me that was made with seven different powerful herbs.

I poured it on his throat and rubbed a tiny amount on his pulse points. While the potion was doing its magic, I transferred my mana to him.

It will helped his organs to function normally again and fought off the effect of the poison. Since no magic was involved this time, it was like any other healing session I had done.

The entire process took around an hour and once it was fully done, I rose from my seat to inform everyone else.

"The procedure is done. The crown prince should be awake in a few hours." I could see a look of relief on everyone's face.

Almost all members of the royal families were there except for the second prince and his mother.

"Thank you very much, Miss Von Wickhelm. I will reward you tremendously later." The emperor grabbed my hand, something he had never done before. This time, he must be really relieved.

"It's my duty, your majesty. Anyway, Let him rest for now. I will remain in the palace until he wakes up and then I will conduct another checkup on him. I will be in the garden if you need me." I told them.

Helios was already waiting for me and we headed to the garden together.

"The assassin who did this to him, who sent him?" Helios wondered.

"My gut feelings tells me it's the second prince's doing. He was the only person who hated the crown prince enough to do something like this." I assumed.

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