Chapter 5

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"Royalty is completely different than celebrity. Royalty has a magic all its own."

-Philip Treacy-


Ophelia's P.O.V

"Excuse me, miss. We have arrived." The driver told me after almost a day of riding the carriage and I looked outside the window.

The palace seemed to be so much bigger than what I remembered. The vast majority of the structure had not changed but they definitely added a few parts over the years.

It felt so nostalgic. I never imagined that I would end up here again.

One of the staff helped me out of the carriage and everyone who was present stared at me with confusion and odd gazes.

They must have never seen a witch like me before.

My violet eyes and silver hair must have stood out, making it easier for them to distinguish me, a witch, from the average human.

That's a normal response when a human saw something they didn't understand.

It was also the first time I've seen so many humans around. It overwhelmed me a little but I couldn't show it, otherwise they would think I was weak.

Out of the humans who stood around me me, there was an old man in a suit who welcomed me politely.

"Welcome, Miss Von Wickhelm. My name is Piore Haverden, I am the king's personal servant. In behalf of the king, I would like to thank you for accepting the invitation." He greeted me politely.

Truthfully, I didn't expect such a formal welcome. It wasn't too bad.

"Right now, his majesty is waiting for you. Please follow me." He led the way and I followed right behind him while taking a look around me.

This palace contained a lot of memories for me. Ones I had wished to forget.

While parts of the interior had changed, it still had that same scent in the air.

A mix of agarwood, amber and a bit of sandalwood, signature of the royal palace.

I stood in front of a door that was three times my size. Piore ordered the guards to open the door and I was asked to enter alone.

It was nerve wrecking.

To know that the emperor was sitting on his throne on the other side of this door and I would meet him in a few seconds.

I took a deep breath and straightened my posture, holding my head high, I walked into the emperor's throne room and met him for the first time.

He was seated in a throne so high he could easily look down on anyone from there. The current emperor definitely had the Aristos bloodline within him.

While the skin and hair color of an Aristos differ from generation to generation, one thing was always the same.

Every member had the same ocean blue eyes without exception. It was the signature of their genetics. It was easy to distinguish their bloodline from the rest.

"Greeting to his majesty, the emperor." I bowed and greeted him. I have no knowledge of the current etiquette and no one told me either, however, this should suffice for now.

"Please raise your head." He ordered. I did as told and raised my head.

"I have heard about you, Ophelia Von Wickhelm and your power. I have explained the reason for this invitation through the letter."

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