3.Stuck With Us

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"You did what!?" Hunter exclaimed, his jaw clenched as he and Alona ran outside in time to see the Marauder getting taken away by the authorities.

Alona's jaw drops.

"Tech." Hunter growls into the communicator.

"This was the simplest solution." Tech replies, obviously clueless. Wrecker and Cut walk over to the two panicked people.

"Getting our ship impounded is not my idea of a solution." Hunter retorted. The Marauder is out of sight now.

"We'll meet you at the spaceport with the chain codes. I have this under control." Tech says calmly, hoping to ease his tense teammates.

Alona takes the communicator from Hunter. "Yeah, there's just one small skank in the scud pie, Omega's on the ship." She says to the two oblivious clones that came up with the crazy idea.

There's no answer from Tech or Echo, so Alona assumes that they've realized the problem that they have. Nighttime was nearing, which Alona took as a good thing. It was easier to pull off their operations around this time of the day.

Cut, Suu, Jek, and Shaeeah ran inside to get the rest of their bags and then everyone headed into town. Alona pulled the hood of her cloak over her head and turned her belt so that the hilts of her lightsabers were behind her instead of on her hip. She kept her head down as they walked towards the spaceport. Wrecker was beside her in the very back.

The Twi'lek children had made many comments about their worry as they passed clones that were in all white armor. Even Alona had her worries. The war was over, the clones should be wrapping up their work. Instead they were here enforcing the new Empire code of conduct.

"Have your chain codes out and ready for inspection." A clone said as he walked down the line of people waiting. Alona made her way up to Hunter, who still hadn't heard from Tech about the chain codes.

"We're running out of time. This line is moving fast." Alona urged, unable to see Hunter's face due to her peripheral vision being obstructed by her hood. She could sense nervousness radiating off of him, though. He wasn't the only one.

Hunter's comm beeped. "Chain codes are en route...with Omega." Tech announces. Alona and Hunter immediately panicked.

"By herself!?" "You let her go by herself!?" Alona and Hunter whisper shouted into the comm. This plan just keeps going downhill.

"Well, we didn't let her go."

Alona scoffs, stepping out of the line. "Wrecker, come with me." She orders, then turns to Hunter. "We're on it." she reassures before running off with Wrecker. They cut through the dark shortcuts, coming up on the Marauder in no time.

Wrecker spots Omega by a pile of crates, a black and yellow droid beeping very loudly. The two of them run as fast as they can before the clones track the source of the droid. Wrecker slams his fist into the astromech, leaving a huge dent. "Crikey, Wrecker!" Alona exclaimed quietly before kneeling down to Omega. "You okay?"

Omega nods and hands the chain codes over to Alona. Wrecker holds out his hand to help Omega up. It was funny looking at the size comparison between the two.

Wrecker's comm beeps. "Wrecker, we could use some help over here." Echo says urgently. Alona places a hand on Omega's shoulder.

"I will get Omega back to Hunter at the dock. Go ahead." Alona says, guiding the blonde in the right direction. A looming sense of dread filled her as they began walking. They were moments away from departing from the young girl. Wrecker runs off to help Echo and Tech at the spaceport.

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