44.Gray Jedi

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Surprising y'all with a chapter today:) There will still be one tomorrow too!

    Omega looked down the hall at the young Wookiee. "Why is he sitting back there alone?" She asked in a hushed voice while Wrecker prepared a meal for the Jedi.

    Alona chewed on her lip, shifting her weight between her feet uncomfortably while her eyes stayed trained on the kid she had known for quite some time.

    When Hunter realized the once-Jedi would not answer, he looked to Omega and sighed. "Because he's scared. He's..." His gaze went over to Alona, trying to analyze the far-off look that had taken over her beautiful face. "Been through a lot."

    Wrecker handed the blonde the box of rations for the scared Jedi. Omega smiled sadly, standing up. "Well, he still needs to eat." She said strongly, heading down the hall and into the middle of the Marauder where Gungi continued to stay huddled in the corner.

    "You know him." Hunter said to Alona. It wasn't a question. He knew she knew the Wookiee. "Are you alright?"

    Alona blinked, tilting her head slightly towards him, but still not meeting his eyes. "I think you should be asking him that." She muttered softly, leaning against the doorway of the cockpit.

    Hunter, Wrecker, Echo, and Tech all walked out of the cockpit to introduce themselves to the Wookiee, but were met with a scared, angry growl that said many things at once. None that Alona could translate without making the guys cry.

    "What's wrong?" Omega asked from her crouched position in front of Gungi. She looked over her shoulder, up at Hunter.

    "He doesn't trust us." Hunter explained, shocking Alona at the fairly brief translation from the Jedi Padawan.

    "Well, seeing how all clones were given an order to execute the Jedi, he has good reason to be cautious. You remember how Alona almost decapitated Wrecker on Kamino." Tech chimed, taking a seat in one of the orange spinny chairs.

    Alona and Wrecker share an amused look.

    "I'm sorry about what happened. But we are not like the other clones. We did not follow that order." Hunter soothes, sitting down in one of the chairs closer to Omega and Gungi. "And we don't work for the Empire either. We're smuggling our own Jedi for kriff's sake." He said lightheartedly, gesturing to Alona, who shifts uncomfortably.

She never really told him about her switch from Jedi to Gray Jedi.

    "Hunter's telling the truth. You don't have to be afraid of us." Omega expressed, scooting the tray of food closer to her new friend. "It's okay. Eat."

    Alona walked over and placed her forearms on the headrest of Hunter's seat, removing the Force barrier that kept herself hidden from other beings strong with the Force.

    Just as Gungi raised a ration to his mouth to eat, he froze and dropped the food, slowly looking up at Alona in fear. He growled angrier than ever, reaching for his green lightsaber.

"Wh-what happened?" Omega asks quickly.

Hunter frowned, swirling his chair sideways. Alona drops her arms and looks between Hunter and Gungi quickly. The Sergeant opened his mouth to speak, before closing it and opening it again. "He says that you aren't a Jedi. You're...dark?"

    Alona exhaled shakily, taking a step towards Gungi, who growled deeply. She held her hands in the air, and tried to soften her panicked eyes. "No, no. It's not what you think. I swear." She rushed to say, stopping in her steps. "I use the light and the dark side, I'm not corrupted by the dark side."

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