8.Not Again

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When Alona woke up she found herself chained to the others. The slavers had removed the guys' helmets. They took all weapons.

Her breathing was quick and shallow, every atom in her body screaming not again. "No, no." She mumbled, stammering as she searched for a way to escape. No. She started violently tugging at the heavy metal chains. No, no.

"Alona, look at me." Hunter said from beside her, scooting closer to her. "Stop or you'll get-"

The Zygerrian slaver presses a button that triggers a metal collar-that Alona hadn't even noticed she had on her-to send a shock through her body.

Alona yelps in pain, only deepening her panic and severe need to run. "No, not again." She shook her head, choking on breaths.

Hunter held out his chained hands, trying to keep her from continuing with her actions. "Alona, calm down. Pay attention to me." He hisses.

Alona turns her head to him, her hair falling into her face. She watched his expression drop when he saw how truly panicked she was.

The leader of the Zygerrian slavers walked out of the old building. He had his arms crossed behind his back, smiling evilly at his growing collection of people on his fountain. "Look at what we have here. Four new slaves to add to my collection," he said, then focused his eyes on Alona. "And one that's back to where she started." He smirked.

Hunter looked back at Alona with a sudden realization. Back to where she started.

Alona felt like throwing up. Her skin got clammy and she felt her mouth salivate.

"The Republic outlawed slavery." Echo retorted angrily after catching onto the Zygerrian's words.

"We're not in the Republic anymore, skug."

Alona forced herself to take deep breaths, trying to prevent herself from hurling into the grainy sand.

She had a plan. She closed her eyes, concentrating on her lightsabers that were sitting in the pile of gear by the Zygerrian. She extended her palms, calling her weapons to her hands.

The second the metal hilts touched her skin, she ignited them and cut off her chains. Alona jumped up and ran towards the Zygerrians, cutting through two at a time.

The horrible scent of their burnt bodies only fueled Alona to keep going. It's what they deserve.

An animalistic growl is heard from a large cage. Alona spots Omega removing the lock and running in the opposite direction. She didn't listen to Alona or Hunter.

The Zygerrians chase after her, but don't make it too far before they meet their end with Alona's sabers. A large rancor busts out of the metal cage, roaring loud enough to make everyone wince.

Wrecker broke out of his chains with ease, then ripped Alona's shock collar off.

Alona ran over to her friends that were still chained up. She cut the chains off of Hunter first, then went down the line doing the same thing to Echo, Tech, and two other slaves until she reached the child, Muchi.

She was careful to show the kid she meant no harm as she removed the chains.

Alona switched off her sabers. She knelt down in front of the scared child. "Hey, it's okay now. You're free."

Omega walked over. "It's okay, Muchi. We're here to take you home." The blonde smiled sweetly.

The child's father shakes his head and starts speaking his native tongue. It took a second before he realized they couldn't understand him. He resorted to pointing and shouting one thing, "Muchi! Muchi!"

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